Social and Influencer > Culture & Context

AE 1



Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Social & Influencer?

Anthony Edwards is undeniably the next big thing in basketball. From his play on the court, to his hilarious off-the-cuff interviews and unwavering self-belief, Ant-Man is a one of a kind talent and inspiration to the next generation. However, despite his stellar performance, he’s still relatively unknown. “Believe That” not only serves as a campaign for his first signature shoe with adidas, but also an introduction to the world in an iconic way, on the social media platforms they frequent most.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

When consumers think basketball, they inevitably think Jordan or Nike, and the athletes they represent. Household names like MJ or Lebron.

So for the first signature shoe of Anthony Edwards, a new rising star on the courts, we couldn’t bank on clout or legacy. Instead, we had to go bold—publicly-dissing-our-competitors-and- antagonizing-the-season bold.

So we created a film campaign that was designed to play off of whatever was happening in basketball culture. From Ant’s wins, to his rivals’ smack talk, to selling out of the shoe (five times), the campaign inspired by Ant’s bold self belief became so much more than just a product launch, but a cultural reset for the basketball world.


Our challenge was to launch yet another basketball sneaker in an over saturated category, to a consumer that’s bored with the typical “sneaker launch playbook,” for a brand that has been forgotten on the court. Our solution—embody Ant Edwards’ unwavering self-belief and do the opposite of expected and safe. From igniting a sneaker war by publically challenging competitors like Nike and Puma, to ditching media schedules and reacting to culture in real time, to making consumers active participants at every touchpoint. While others sold shoes, we sparked a movement that changed the sneaker game.

Describe the creative idea

“Believe That” is our rally cry to the community to do the unbelievable despite the odds, doubters and distractions—created to meet their most pressure-filled moments, and the times Ant himself could go against the grain of the usual messages of “greatness.”

Describe the strategy

Young hoopers (Gen Z & teens) look to social media for inspiration and to find their tribe. However, what they see there can often lead to comparison, impacting their self-confidence and success if they’re exposed to the wrong content.

For Anthony Edward’s first signature shoe, the AE 1, we wanted to not only connect with young hoopers online, but inspire them to live up to the greatness they see inside themselves. So we turned AE 1 into more than a shoe. We turned it into an emblem of believing in yourself like Ant does every season, every game, every play.

Describe the execution

In order to genuinely connect with the basketball community in a fast-moving cultural atmosphere, we had to throw out the rule book for typical sports marketing and create a launch born for our audience. Speaking with them, not at them. Rooted in Ant’s unwavering self-belief, each piece of content expresses the power of self-belief in unique and entertaining ways that feel authentically Anthony Edwards.

From minimal set-design, free-flowing scripts, the framing and lack of overwhelming VFX and music, the series is unlike anything in the category. Even the roll out was unique. Instead of a set schedule, the content was released in real time, in reaction to season milestones and cultural moments.

Embracing the tone of the game itself, not the ads that have dominated the category, we set the internet on fire with disses to our competitors, messages of self belief, and reminders of how great you can be.

List the results

Beloved by the community, “Believe That” quickly garnered mass appeal because of its authenticity, confidence and iconic nature. Leaving viewers commenting, sharing and wanting more.

447 Million Impressions

22.8 Million Views

1.7 Million Interactions

The AE 1 With Love had 100% Sell-through in under 40 minutes on (4x)

The AE 1 was the #1 selling shoe across all brands at Foot Locker.

+4x Market Share

$0 Media Spend

Please tell us about how the work challenged or was different from the brands competitors.

The AE 1 launch films purposely went against category norms to break through the noise of the industry in a memorable way. Without big budgets, star power or coveted media placements, the films embraced minimalism and authenticity. Even the roll out was unique. Instead of a set schedule, the content was released in real time, in reaction to season milestones and cultural moments. The debut film, “Sneak Diss,” publicly dissed Nike, Puma and Jordan—uncensored—which set the internet on fire and reignited a dormant sneaker war that would propel adidas to the top.

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