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1 million species are at threat of extinction, with food production as a substantial driver. 14.5% of all human-caused global greenhouse gas emissions attribute to meat production. Growing meat consumption also results in inhumane conditions for animals. While ecological and ethical boundaries are met, human evolution rages on. By 2050, we'll need two planets to feed our growing population. At least, without radical and urgent changes.

But alternatives are on the rise. Cultured meat is grown from the cells of animals, instead of animals themselves. Resulting in benefits in sustainability, ethics, nutritional value, and taste.

Through this campaign, the world discovered cultured meat as a way to a more sustainable food future. We turned negative associations into anticipation to try it and increased urgency in the legislative debate. Meanwhile we positioned Vow as the pioneer, driven to make sustainable food both irresistible and available to billions of people.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

The exploding population and the rising demand for meat are confronting people and planet with boundaries to our current food production and consumption. New technologies open new, more sustainable perspectives.

When produced with renewable energy, Cultured Meat can reduce the carbon footprint of beef by up to 92% and pork by 44%. Additionally Cultured meat could become cost-competitive with real meat when produced on a larger scale.

To strive for sustainable development goals Zero Hunger, Climate Action, Responsible Consumption & Production and Life on Land, many barriers needed to be lifted. Studies showed the perception of cultured meat to be more negative in terms of safety, health, naturalness and tastiness compared to meat, fish and plant based alternatives. On top of that, only Singapore has legally approved Cultured meat for commercial sale. And, Vow needed to break through the powerful meat lobby that’s aiming to keep eating as today.

Describe the creative idea

The woolly mammoth is a symbol of loss and what drastic impact climate change can have. Could this giant become a beacon of hope for the future of food? Using new and innovative technology, the mammoth meatball was created, starting from the DNA of the extinct woolly mammoth. Illustrating the potential to eat ourselves out of extinction.

We sparked hope by making the seemingly impossible happen. And turned what is no longer here, into an icon of today: a meatball. A popular dish for people all over the world who make their own version of it. An accessible dish, simple to make and affordable; exactly what we hope for cultured meat products in the future.

The creative idea was not designed to make people eat mammoth meat, but to open perspectives. Uniting complex innovations with an easy concept makes people question our today and consider alternatives for the future.

Describe the strategy

There was no use in telling how we can change our future. We needed to show we can. Even when legislation, lobby groups or public perception are not on our side.

Our message: the future of food needs to be questioned and changed.

With cultured meat as a more sustainable, ethical and feasible alternative.

Instead of targeting the few with power to make a change – we targeted the critical mass to start a cultural change. The strategy centered around a PR-able momentum that triggered imagination. We brought the Woolly Mammoth that went extinct over 4000 years back to life – as a meatball.

We gathered press during the Food Futurism Event in the Netherlands, a pioneering country for Cultured Meat. And fueled them and the public with facts through a campaign website and a launch video to make Cultured Meat part of the public debate around people and planet.

Describe the execution

The success relied on the creation of a storytelling experience. We began by identifying the Mammoth gene and its right DNA sequence to cultivate mammoth meat. Gaps in the DNA sequence were completed by using the genome of the African elephant. The gene was inserted into a cell to grow and multiply, just like a mammoth would have done naturally.

The Mammoth Meatball was revealed (28/03/’23) during the Food Futurism event in the Netherlands, a pioneering country for Cultured meat. Selected press titles were invited for an interview one day prior. The broader press was invited to the event where different experts shed a light over the innovation from their perspective. A campaign video and website fueled the press and audience with facts. Through this combination we raised awareness for Cultured Meat and its potential from the bottom up: through a discussion that filled headlines and socials around the planet.

Describe the results / impact

The campaign successfully increased awareness of the negative impact of the meat industry on people and planet. And opened people’s view on cultured meat. We opened new roads to a more sustainable and ethical food future.

With PR only, we reached 13 billion impressions. Global broadcasts combined with 12.500 written articles amounted to an earned advertising value of $120 million. Being skyrocketed, the Mammoth Meatball found its way to social media feeds of people globally.

We got the world to know cultured meat and changed its negative associations into anticipation to try. After seeing the campaign, 80% recognised the negative impact of the current meat industry on the environment and biodiversity loss and nearly 7/10 people perceived cultured meat as being nutritious, safe, healthy and tasty.Making 3/4th of respondents indicating cultured meat as an exciting, sustainable & realistic alternative.

The result: 95,7% increase in willingness to try cultured meat.

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