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Bronze Cannes Lions
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Why is this work relevant for Luxury & Lifestyle?

This campaign was designed to establish eBay's luxury fashion credentials with a new Gen Z audience that consumes luxury in a more sustainable way, by shopping circular fashion.

In 1967, Twiggy, renowned supermodel from the 60's, appeared in Vogue Magazine. Her photo became iconic for decades to come.

In 2023, to promote eBay's circular fashions, we invited Twiggy back to Vogue, to recreate that famous shot from 1967 with the same vintage accessories found on eBay.

The recreation appeared in Vogue print, as a social campaign and on the global red carpet.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Twiggy is a 60's global cultural icon with a strong Gen Z following. She was perfect to bridge the past with the present.

Gen Z shops more sustainably: 64% of Gen Z surveyed look to shop secondhand before buying it new.

Vogue World is a global event, organized by Vogue, that kicks off fashion week in a different city each year. In 2023, it kicked off London Fashion Week.

Twiggy walked the Vogue World red carpet while paying tribute to her hometown, London.


eBay is home to millions of pre-owned and vintage fashions but lacked fashion credentials. eBay was not perceived as a credible shopping destination for high-end fashion or authentic goods.

Additionally, with fast fashion contributing to 92 million tons of textile waste each year, circular fashion is more important than ever. The new generations are embracing vintage fashion and feel strongly about creating a more sustainable world.

Gen Z is especially attuned to this problem: 64% of Gen Z surveyed look to shop secondhand before buying it new.

So, the challenge was—could eBay promote sustainability by establishing its own fashion credentials?

Describe the creative idea

We partnered with Vogue and circled back over 100 years of their archives and discovered that almost everything in the pages of Vogue could be sourced on eBay, today.

So, to promote sustainable luxury fashion that's pre-owned and vintage, we invited Twiggy back to Vogue to recreate her iconic shot from 1967 with the same vintage accessories found on eBay.

Every detail was carefully recreated: From matching the same products from 1967, to the pose, make-up and product placements, to the final layout and design.

Twiggy Full Circle appeared as a double page spread in both the October issues of Vogue and British Vogue, and multiple digital touchpoints.

Twiggy then walked the Vogue World, London red carpet to launch Fashion Week in her recreated eBay look, and made headlines.

To bring it full circle, the accessories from the campaign were auctioned off on eBay in support of sustainability.

Describe the strategy

With fast fashion contributing to 92 million tons of textile waste each year, circular fashion is more important than ever and 64% of Gen Z surveyed look to shop secondhand before buying it new.

The strategy was designed to establish eBay's fashion credentials with a new Gen Z audience that consumes luxury in a more sustainable way, and appeal to their sensibilities—showcasing that you can still shop authentic luxury items, while also supporting the planet.

We partnered with the ultimate authority on style, Vogue and circled back over 100 years of their archives and discovered that almost everything in the pages of Vogue could be sourced on eBay, today.

Twiggy, fashion icon from the 60's, helped eBay connect with Gen Z because of her strong Gen Z following. She bridged the past with the present.

Describe the execution

The main element of the campaign was Twiggy's print recreation that appeared as a double page spread in both Vogue Magazine and British Vogue October 2023 issues. On the left, we printed the shot from 1967. On the right, we printed the recreation from 2023.

The print visual was then turned into a digital asset and spread across many touchpoints, including Vogue and Twiggy's social channels.

The 'Making-of’ video was an intimate portrait of Twiggy telling the story of how fashion goes around and comes around, appearing on Vogue and YouTube channels.

Additionally, Twiggy walked the Vogue World London red carpet to launch Fashion Week in her recreated eBay look. The global event was streamed live and garnered 92.2 million views.

To bring it full circle, the accessories from the campaign were auctioned off on eBay in support of sustainability, raising thousands of dollars for Canopy Planet Foundation.

List the results

eBay made all the global fashion headlines, appearing organically in The NY Times, The Independent, Daily Mail, CNN and The Telegraph. The campaign inserted eBay and sustainability into the fashion conversation, raising thousands of dollars for the non-profit charity: Canopy Planet Foundation.

The campaign reached millions and inspired consumers to not only think more sustainable when shopping for clothes and accessories, but celebrated the fact that we featured a 73-year-old model, with comments like, "Thank you for seeing us #AgingOutLoud."

The campaign garnered:

$2.5 million earned media

+30% increase in positive sentiment

+41% intent to shop eBay pre-owned

+10.2% lift in brand trustworthiness

+28.9% increase in brand awareness

34 million video views

187 million impressions

Twiggy Full Circle, turned perceptions of eBay as a general e-commerce marketplace into an authentic go-to luxury fashion destination.

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Grand Prix Cannes Lions




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Bronze Cannes Lions

Sustainable Luxury



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