Media > Insights & Media Strategy


TOUCHE!, Montreal / BRP / 2023

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Why is this work relevant for Media?

The off-roading community need the best performing vehicles in the category, but they also need lands and mud trails to ride on. This is what Uncharted Playgrounds is offering; easy access to the greatest untouched potential. Landowners are helped to radiate towards a bigger scale and grow their own businesses and riders are offered a solution to an uprising issue. A win-win. This community can now thrive again with a simple click of a button. In the meantime, it ensures the sustainability of the BRP brand to create an even larger beneficial arch for the even wider BRP community.


BRP produces world-class all-terrain vehicles for adventure seekers. Its biggest barrier to growth is the limited opportunities to ride and accessibility to land open to their vehicles across North America. To attract existing riders to buy a BRP for their next purchase, the brand needed to explore new territories. Literally.

Over the past years, the rise of urban sprawl limited land access for BRP riders and led to more strict regulations around riding areas. In some cases, it limited the creation of new off-roading circuits.

Driven by the idea of discovering new kinds of experiences, off-road riders saw their level of excitement diminished. The possibility of being surprised by a new course was now a luxury.

This tight-knit community quickly turned to social media and group discussions to share new riding opportunities. This is when the quest for available lands began!

Describe the creative idea / insights

What if off-road riders were no longer confined to their own piece of land and were given the freedom to discover someone else’s mud paradise for a day?

On the other hand, what if landowners could rent their land and give riders the opportunity to have access to a multitude of new outdoor experiences?

For landowners, it is a way to monetize the usage of their lands. For riders, it opens the doors to a world of new path to ride.

A win-win situation.

This is how Uncharted Playgrounds was born.

Uncharted Playground is an online booking system that connects riders to landowners.

Think Airbnb… but for off-road riders!

Describe the strategy

The launch of this ground-breaking platform took place in three steps:

Find Lands

We reached out to each and every landowner through a highly geo-targeted search and social campaigns across many regions of the United States inviting them to sign up to the Uncharted Playgrounds platform.

Invite Riders

Once the platform was live with multiple locations and lands to be discovered, we encouraged riders to book their next adventure through Uncharted Playground and explore new territories through targeted digital publications across all available regions.

Optimize and Share

As bookings occurred in many different regions, we adjusted our campaign based on real-time results by leveraging booking and online visitor data as well as engagement metrics to adjust our promotional offers to buy a new BRP vehicle regionally. These results quickly became an invaluable source of insights for the growth of the platform, but also all BRP brands for new vehicle purchase.

Describe the execution

Find Lands

Our first step was to attain and populate our platform with exciting Uncharted Playgrounds. So, we reached out to landowners through a highly geo-targeted search and social campaigns across North America. We targeted off-road fanatics with social placements while also using lists of existing BRP owners for each region.

Invite Riders

We used awareness tactics with longer form dynamic video content to promote the platform. Using geographic filters, we targeted them with lands no further than a 3-hour car ride from their location, seducing them with imagery from other riders exploring new playgrounds near them. While also hyping it up with grassroot event.

Optimize and Share

We leveraged booking, engagement, and visitor data to adjust in real time our promotional offers regionally for riders to buy a new BRP vehicle. It also helped us to identify high-potential markets for future dealership development.

List the results

Uncharted Playgrounds was a game changer!

The number of off-road riders that bought a BRP increased by 36 % year over year.

Since its launch, the number of active regions and available playgrounds in the platform doubled.

Moreover, the number of new entrants reached more than a fifth of our BRP sales.

The strategy fueled by Uncharted Playgrounds contributed to an increase of 40% in search volume, and ultimately to a general increase in sales for all BRP brands available in the platform regions.

We also offered business insights the global brand while the campaign was running to ensure that we were as efficient towards highlighted performing demographics.

The most impressive thing is that after less than a year, the community has already expanded to new international markets. Bringing more people to the sport, unlocking new sales opportunities.

Describe the use of data, or how the data enhanced the work

Over the past years, the rise of urban sprawl limited land access for riders and led to more strict regulations around riding areas. In some cases, it limited the creation of new off-roading circuits.

Driven by the idea of discovering new kinds of experiences, off-road riders saw their level of excitement diminished. The possibility of being surprised by a new course was now a luxury.

Our first step was to attain and populate our platform with exciting Uncharted Playgrounds. So, we reached out to landowners through a highly geo-targeted search and social campaigns across North America. We targeted off-road fanatics with social placements while also using lists of existing BRP owners for each region.

We leveraged booking, engagement, and visitor data to adjust in real time our promotional offers regionally for riders to buy a new BRP vehicle. It also helped us to identify high-potential markets for future dealership development.

Is there any cultural context that would help the jury understand how this work was perceived by people in the country where it ran?

The off-road culture is a unique and diverse community that centres around the love of exploring and adventuring in rugged, unpaved terrain. This culture is defined by its passion for new experiences and camaraderie among enthusiasts. It is also characterized by its emphasis on safety, respect for the environment and adherence to local laws and regulations.

The arrival of new and important regulations regarding terrain accessibility has left the community if fewer/no riding possibilities. The riders had to find some ways to connect together and share their access to lands in order to perpetuate the love of this sport.

Overall, the project helped a tight-kit and passionate community to come together and express their love for uncharted adventures.

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