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Why is this work relevant for Creative B2B?

For its first communication campaign in a market where nothing is moving, Bellman dared to defy market conventions and say out loud what everyone else is thinking about co-ownership property management (also referred to as « building managers ») . The brand opted for an awareness-raising statement and invited dissatisfied syndicate councils to change their property manager for Bellman. This campaign drastically shifted the lines of notoriety, approval and, above all, business. It even led to a court case from which the brand emerged victorious.


The Bellman’s founders have disrupted the building managers market with an innovative business model to reinvent a sector that has long remained immobile. Through a unique digital platform, Bellman provides everything that digital can do to help managers, accountants and others work more efficiently together to advance their co-ownership property management issues.

The building managers market is made up of a majority of long-established players who have been stagnating in the same practices for too long.

The level of customer satisfaction of the market remains very low: 53% of French people are dissatisfied with them but only 19% want to change. A paradox that the campaign addressed in a pungent and obvious way.

The challenge of this campaign was to raise the awareness of co-owners and to position Bellman as the new key player in the field of building management.

Describe the creative idea

The creative idea is an allegory of 4 key painpoints (one for each poster) most co-owners have encountered when dealing with their building managers .

Each poster features someone in sado-masochist clothes, implying they take pleasure in the unsatisfactory situations their co-ownership property management puts them in and that their "suffering" could finally end thanks to Bellman. ?

Describe the strategy

The starting point : 53% of French people are dissatisfied with their building manager but yet only 19% of them want to change (Harris Interactive survey November 2021). There is therefore an incredible number of dissatisfied co-owners who suffer every day from the bad practices of their « syndic » but who, unfortunately, don’t know how to change. The insight was a bit provocative for sure : if you don't change when you you suffer on a daily basis, it is surely because you are a bit of a sado-masochist, aren’t you?

The idea was therefore to stage a wake-up call for the co-owners through exaggeration in order to get them out of this fatality. It was necessary to make them understand that a solution exist and that it was time to take the plunge and change to a new actor "who makes things happen".

Describe the execution

A poster campaign in the heart of the cities to reach the urban population in Paris, Nice, Lyon and Toulouse, supported by digital, social media and PR events. In the provinces, the only format was bus stops, whereas in Paris the plan was more diversified with metro posters (massive platforms, platforms, corridors, 2m2), as well as bus shelters and bus bays.

To increase repetition and conversion, posters were complemented by a digital device (banners, google ads, social media) to lock in the purchase path and guarantee real business efficiency.

The whole campaign was spread in a span of 2 months, from February 7th through April 5th.

List the results

Bellman wanted to emerge as the one and only category disruptor. And so did they : their awareness rate among the syndicate councils increased from 8 to 16% (post test April 2022). The campaign multiplied by 3 the number of co-owners who intend to make an appointment and by 4 the intention to get information. The campaign also went viral to the point of being hijacked by celebrities.

The campaign also had a positive business impact. The objectives were exceeded with 3 times more leads in February/March VS their campaign aired at the same date the previous year. Traffic on the website increased by 2.5 times.

5 000 visitors connected to the site by searching specifically for "bellman ad" on the Google search engine. In the 1st quarter, Bellman was ranked 1st among the building management companies that gained the most co-owners according to the national register of co-ownerships.

Please tell us about how the work challenged / was different from the brands competitors

For its first communication campaign in a market where nothing is moving, Bellman dared to defy market conventions. The founders of Bellman wanted to disrupt the market and dust off this ageing sector with an innovative business model. Thanks to a unique digital platform, Bellman offers everything that digital technology can do to help professionals in the sector work more effectively together on their co-ownership issues. The challenge of this campaign was to raise the awareness of co-owners, since today, 1/5 co-owners declare that they intend to change their syndic, while 1/2 declare themselves dissatisfied. And apparently it worked because within the first few weeks of our OOH campaign's launch, we saw very good results. The number of Google Brand queries between January and February tripled, a quarter of which came from the ad's keyword ranking Bellman as the highest earning property manager.

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