Cannes Lions

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The Situation:

As the world grapples with the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, a less visible crisis has surged – domestic abuse, often termed the 'shadow pandemic.' The UN Women report reveals a chilling statistic: globally, 1 in 3 women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime.

The Brief:

To raise awareness of this escalating crisis, spotlighting that domestic abuse often manifests in insidious forms, unrecognised by onlookers and sometimes even the victims themselves. The challenge was to craft a campaign that would strike a chord without casting survivors as victims or women as powerless.

The Objectives:

The dual goals were to magnify the issue of domestic abuse in the collective consciousness and to promote the Bright Sky app as a tool for support and intervention, while respectfully representing the strength and resilience of survivors.


Globally, we are devoting 11.5 billion hours to social media. An expanse where realities are curated and filtered. Our campaign is an intervention in this space, reminding viewers that beneath the sheen of perfect posts, serious issues demand attention. It begins with the innocuous — tutorials on makeup, fitness, or cooking — but takes a sudden turn to expose the shadow of domestic abuse that affects 1 in 3 women. This stark pivot not only spotlights the signs of abuse but also steers the narrative towards action, endorsing the Bright Sky app as a beacon of support.


Data Gathering:

Through in-depth discussions and guidance from specialists, we've gained a thorough understanding of the complex nature of domestic abuse. This essential collaboration ensures our campaign resonates authentically with those it aims to support and empower.

Target Audience:

Our focus is on women of all cultural and social backgrounds, across all demographics, emphasising inclusivity and a universal message.


Our campaign harnesses social media's scope to deliver stories that are structurally cohesive, ensuring each narrative is both distinctive and part of a greater unified message. This consistency fosters content that is instantly recognisable and maintains a high-quality standard, facilitating a diverse yet singular narrative voice throughout the campaign. This engages the audience through familiar mediums, encouraging reflection and action, all underpinned by the overarching voice and strategy.

Call to Action:

Encouraging recognition and action, promoting the Bright Sky app, a tool for support, understanding and empowerment against domestic abuse.



Launched across multiple social and digital platforms with a unified narrative approach.


Coordinated roll-out in March 2024, aligned with Women's History Month.


Strategically placed within popular content segments on IG/FB/YT/TT for maximum visibility.


Pan-European, with localised nuances to ensure broad relevance.


Business Impact

+300% increase in dialy Bright Sky app downloads; enhanced visibility.

Response Rate

High engagement across platforms, with widespread sharing and discussion.

+64m reach

+230m impression

Change in Behaviour

Notable rise in conversations about domestic abuse recognition and prevention.

Brand Perception

Strengthened association of Vodafone Foundation with impactful social initiatives.

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