Cannes Lions

10th Month


Case Film
Supporting Content






‘The 10th Month’ is an initiative that refocuses attention back on mum during her post-partum period. Its aim is to help new mums regain visibility and remember how important they are.

We brought this to life in two ways.

Firstly, we generated wider awareness and understanding of the issue. Through our online film we exposed the truth that new mums are forgotten, demonstrating the need to focus more care and attention on them at this critical time. This was sensitively delivered through an observational, documentary-style short film. Viewers were invited to be a ‘fly-on-the-wall’ in the homes of new mums to help generate a more emotional and empathetic response.

Secondly, we helped mum change her behaviour and think about herself by pioneering a new digital landscape for motherhood. We provided the tools to support her within a new platform,


The 10th Month platform is designed to shine a light back on new mums. We talk to her as an individual, recognising her physical and emotional needs.

The site addresses the unspoken emotions and outrageous expectations of being a woman in the challenging first days and weeks after childbirth. So far it has been adapted into 4 different languages.

We worked with journalists and healthcare professionals (all mothers themselves) to create a wide range of content – from practical, medical and psychological help to more light-hearted material – to offer her help, information and reassurance that what she is going through is not only normal but universal.

The film was the primary driver of traffic to the site, and sparked social conversations with our audience about their own #10thMonth. OOH, PR, and our storybook for mums helped to raise further awareness, amplifying the positive commentary around the campaign.


The full campaign only launched last month, but the reaction so far has been overwhelmingly positive, with new mums welcoming a service that finally speaks to women about their personal wellbeing after childbirth.

In the few weeks since its launch in France and Brazil, the video has been watched nearly 3 million times. It has fuelled emotive social conversations, with thousands of new mums sharing their own 10th Month feelings and experiences through posts, comments and photos.

It has also gained fantastic PR traction, with nearly 100 independent publishers taking notice. is actively supporting 200,000 new mums, who spend on average 6 minutes per visit on site.

By the end of this year we will have launched in 8 different languages, reaching 1 in 7 new mums in our participating markets and positively impacting the lives of one of the world’s largest but most underserved global communities.

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