Spikes Asia

2016 Tencent Global Partners Conferences

EDELMAN, Beijing / TENCENT / 2017

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Tencent Open Platform enables developers to rapidly attract large numbers of users from Tencent’s huge user base by releasing outstanding applications via a range of channels, including Tencent App Store, Tencent QQ, Qzone, and QQ Game. The full resource support given by the platform to developers can incubate small and medium enterprises and nurture emerging core projects, giving entrepreneurs in different phases a powerful engine for success. TGPC get all the stakeholders together and display the achievements of TOP to sets tones future technological development.

The Objectives of 2016 TGPC

• Enhance Tencent’s thought leadership among startups, entrepreneurs, developers; and sets tones of future technological development

• Promote Tencent Open Platform’s resource support and encourage early stage developers to join the group


We clarified the concept of “sharing” by calling for the whole industry to take on sharing as the development principle and cooperate together to make a difference.

7 different designs of topic posters combining historical and geographic characteristics of the city were released in advance, introducing Fuzhou as the “Sharing City” in China.

We clarified the concept of Sharing in terms of startups, the public, economy, science, and technology via viral social mini-sites, in order to tell this B2B story in a B2C way.

Before the conference, a letter from Pony Ma to every partner surprisingly appeared in the media and on social networks, conveying the importance of shared resources. Pony, Tencent’s iconic figure, became the initiator and advocator for Tencent’s “sharing movement”.

From September 22nd to 24th, over 330 media members were invited to Fuzhou to witness the grand meeting, and over 10 media interviews were arranged.

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