Cannes Lions

2nd Star

INNOCEAN USA, Los Angeles / HYUNDAI / 2024

Supporting Content






Research indicates that there is little knowledge, love or real connection to the Hyundai brand. It’s a blank slate to many people—including owners and past users.

Great brands build value through emotional connections sustained over time. In Interbrand’s Best Global Brands of 2022, the top spots are dominated by technology brands—there are no non-luxury auto brands in the top 5.

Hyundai knows big changes don’t happen overnight but aims to grow an emotional connection with people to build brand opinion. We must bring heart to Hyundai by connecting to iconic and nostalgic content that are beloved by our target audience.

We aimed to see results in:

• Strong attention and emotional connection, especially among viewers with kids at home, as measured by Ace Metrix.

• Drive strong search volume for Hyundai, as measured by EDO.


The Hyundai TUCSON is a vehicle engineered to whisk you away on a smooth, comfortable ride. So, what better way to evoke that feeling of excitement of driving fast than to show the kids riding in the TUCSON flying over the city at night? Key to that are references to the iconic scene in Peter Pan, and the song “We Can Fly” from the Peter Pan soundtrack.

In the end, we reveal that the flying kids are actually seated in the TUCSON they’ve been following behind, and their spirits have been ‘soaring’ thanks to the speedy drive. The only words that are spoken are dad who asks, “Slow down?” and the daughter who replies, “No. Faster.”


We wanted to show that Hyundai makes a richer journey possible for all through wondrous everyday experiences. We also know our target, which has younger families at home, does not necessarily want to compromise driving experience when they must buy a family car. They want to feel like it's a car for them too, with all the speed and comforts of the sportier cars they’re used to. By showing the kids spirits being transported by the speedy TUCSON, and by having dad ask his daughter “Should I slow down?”, we understand that everyone is experiencing the TUCSON’s performance.

Meanwhile, the music is key for connecting back to our target’s love of nostalgia. Our target has fond memories of Peter Pan and a special connection to Disney, helping the ad to resonate even more.


To bring this magical drive to life, we tapped into nostalgia. We demonstrated the thrill of driving a TUCSON, and the way it can transport your spirit through a connection to Disney’s Peter Pan. Before we even provide context, we see kids flying behind the car, seemingly chasing it down the road in a way that references an iconic scene in Peter Pan, set to the soundtrack “We Can Fly.”

We highlight the Hyundai TUCSON’s innovative tech and sleek styling, interlacing it with magical moments of kids spirits soaring above and around the city at night.

In the end, we reveal that the flying kids are actually passengers in the Hyundai TUCSON they’ve been following behind, and their spirits have been ‘soaring’ thanks to the speedy drive. The only words that are spoken are dad who asks “Slow down?” and the daughter who replies, “No. Faster.”


The broadcast film scored way above norm on Attention & Likability in Ace Metrix, indicating that the ad broke through with viewers.

It evoked strong emotional responses for Nostalgia, Narrative (Storytelling), Cinematic and Curiosity, according to Ace Metrix.

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