Cannes Lions



Case Film
Supporting Content






“A rose reborn” is an integrated project in which online and off line activities had visibility in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, China, France, Germany, Austria, HK, Taiwan, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, SEA, Spain, Swiss, Turkey, UK and USA. The main focus was the Asian market.

Branded entertainment is getting more and more popular in Asia especially in the luxury industry. Many luxury brands are using this new form of marketing tool and often execute in this kind of commercial mini films to reach the new generation of customers who are more sophisticated nowadays. The movie of Ermenegildo Zegna is the first of its kind because:

- it is an authentic cinematic production with professional crew and setup,

- it has a strong artistic and symbolic value which does not focus too much on commercial products and it is presented at international film festivals,

- it has an international vision, from talents involved (Director: Park Chan-wook. Actors: Daniel Wu, Jack Huston) to selected locations (Europe, USA, China) and to the Easter and Western cultural exchanges,

All pieces used in the communication were submitted by the Chinese censorship, but the approval process went rather smooth.


The movie came in 4 episodes, the first 3 shown on a dedicated campaign site for 2 months. The finale episode was screened at a premiere event in Shanghai. Digital advertising and EDM supported the movie. Content partnerships with key media titles played a crucial role in elaborating the concept and unveiling the symbols planted in the movie. VIP were invited to a private screening in the boutiques where the movie wardrobe was presented by a special windows’ animations. An exhibition was organized in a key mall in Shanghai to showcase of behind-the-scene and backstage footages.


The project had a strong worldwide press coverage that can be converted into 42.296.379 Euro of media coverage value (online, print, TV). The short movie has been viewed by 10.000.000 people approximately.

Only in Greater China (incl. HK and Taiwan), the campaign generated 36.600.000 Euro worth of PR coverage and the movie has been viewed approx. 6.000.000 times in Greater China. Although the movie was primarily designed for the Greater China market, an integrated marketing effort was made in order to amplify the movie. The campaign generated over 188.000.000 impressions and made an engagement of 280.947. It was also successful in recruiting over 60K new followers on Ermenegildo Zegna official Weibo account (social platform in China). The above statistics can prove that the movie and its campaign reached a massive number of target audience and the engagement level was indeed satisfactory.

Thanks to this project, Ermenegildo Zegna can now rely on a solid audience from the APAC region that has constantly grown during the past year. As a proof of this, China has now become one of the top three countries in terms of traffic on the whole Ermenegildo Zegna digital environment.

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