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- To make A1 “Topic of the day”- To develop a media plan that allows playing with the product benefit “internal calls for 0,-” in the most appropriate way for the chosen media.- To create impact and awareness within the target group through the spectacular performance of the product benefit “internal calls for ATS 0,-”.- To create interest in this special rate – at the same time highlight the leadership in innovation of A1 as Austria’s largest provider of mobile communications.- To obtain a significantly higher number of subscribers for the A1 network Zero - Due to the small media and production budget the media planning focused on one weekend only.- Communication started on Saturday 17th of November with a few TV Spots running on the Austrian TV-Channel “ORF1”. These spots did announce the core media idea (the Kurier for ATS 0,-) which took place the Sunday after.

- On Sunday 18th, radio spots also drew attention to the promotion.- The heart of the media idea was a never before realised co-operation with the daily newspaper “Kurier”. The Kurier is one of the most important Austrian daily newspapers with focus on urban targets.The Cooperation package with “Kurier” included:- “The gift to Austria” - the “Kurier” for ATS 0,- on Sunday, 18th November 2001.

- This benefit was supported by the fact, that on that very Sunday, no cash boxes were fixed on the news-stands.- A1 branding on the top crowner and the plastic bag.- Massive branding on the cover page and the cover of each book (culture, economy...) - A1 related copy in the cover page newsline.- Placed single page ads on pages, which have never been conceded to advertisers but were only reserved to the newspaper’s editorial department. The media team – led by Mrs. Getrude Prem/Omnimedia – significantly contributed to the planning of the media mix. In using the most modern media planning tools and the knowledge of the Austrian market the team set up a mediaplan which worked most effective both in terms of recognition and in terms of activating the very target group. The mediateam also contributed to the negotiations between client, agency and the advertising department of the Austrianwide daily newspaper Kurier. The very special placements and the proposals for the high impact A1 branding on each “booklet” of the daily newspaper were contributed as well by Omnimedia. - A1 was the topic of the day within the target group and the trade press for advertising/marketing.- This type of media idea was never before realised in the Austrian market – truly unique.- The co-operation package with “Kurier” included never before used placements and text solutions (such as news-ticker line on the main cover, single page ads on page 3 and 5, pages normally dedicated to main politics-topics), which until that time had been given to any advertiser before.- For the first time in the history of “Kurier” the newsstands were placed without cash-boxes all over Austria, just to improve the effect of the product message “ATS 0,-”.- The promotion in general and in particular the media co-operation with the newspaper “Kurier” got top results in terms of awareness, impact, recognition and appeal of creation.- Thanks to the mix of media the promotion was extremely successful both in terms of creative realisation as well as in its overall effectiveness.

- Supported by TV – spots which were on air the evening before the “Kurier” was “dedicated to all Austria” and radio- spots aired the very Sunday, this promotion became the most successful in the history of A1 advertising.- By using an absolutely creative media solution the product itself and the figure “0,-“ as a symbol for the offered rate had significant success within the target group.- The number of subscribers increased for about 457% the very day after (in comparison to normal days), on Tuesday still +301%, on Wednesday +164%.- Client and Agency succeeded in positioning the product in a way that generated high impact in a broad general public and also caused directly related return of investment as seen above.- Special attention should be given to the fact that the promotion took place over 2 days only (November 17th, 18th). Therefore the results become even more remarkable.


The media team – led by Mrs. Getrude Prem/Omnimedia – significantly contributed to the planning of the media mix. In using the most modern media planning tools and the knowledge of the Austrian market the team set up a mediaplan which worked most effective both in terms of recognition and in terms of activating the very target group. The mediateam also contributed to the negotiations between client, agency and the advertising department of the Austrianwide daily newspaper Kurier. The very special placements and the proposals for the high impact A1 branding on each “booklet” of the daily newspaper were contributed as well by Omnimedia.

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