Cannes Lions

Abused Songs

VMLY&R, Sao Paulo / KISS FM / 2023

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Abuse today is brutally normalized. People hear about and talk about cases without thinking it’s a weird or an unnatural thing, and this behavior cannot continue. You see this even reflected on the entertainment industry – there are a lot of songs with abusive lyrics, and we don’t even notice. With that in mind, Kiss FM, Brazil’s biggest rock radio, wanted to shed some light on a few of these songs, so people could see they should always be on high guard against it. So, in March 8th, international women’s day, the radio station launched a month long campaign with three spots to talk about that problem and raise awareness for it.


In the spot, we can hear a domestic fight between a man and a woman. But the dialogue we hear is the unaltered lyrics of a famous song. Then, an announcer comes in and says that those were the lyrics of a famous song, and that abuse can be present without you realizing it.


The spots were part of a month-long PSA campaign, starting on March 8th, the International Women’s Day, that ran through on different times of the day during the span of the campaign. There was no KPI or business objective involved, just making people aware that they have to have their eyes open for abuse every day, everywhere.

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