Cannes Lions


TBWA\PARIS, Boulogne-Billancourt / TBWA / 2012

Presentation Image






As in all countries across the world, the communications directors of French advertisers’ are extremely busy.Appointment requests to introduce a new brand content agency are at best delegated, or worse, ignored.The main objective of our campaign was to succeed in sufficiently intriguing communications directors in order to get an appointment to present the agency. All of that within a budget of 5 000 euros or less.We decided to create a customized campaign for each communications director, meaning 150 different campaigns for the 150 communications directors targeted.Each one had to do a Google search with his/her name to discover the video – extremely flattering – specially made for him/her, and a unique e-mail account created specially for the occasion in order to contact us.To make our seduction campaign known to our target, and to encourage them to google themselves, we also had a video made – also extremely flattering – for each top journalist specialized in marketing and communication, in order to obtain a maximum number of articles in the press.Journalists and communications directors liked our campaign, which allowed us to obtain a lot of appointments for such a small budget…


How to flatter communication directors ego?> Step 1: create a taylor-made brand content for each of them- buy their names on Google- put a dedicated ad on top of their names search apges results- drive the ad to a personnalized flattering video- introduce yourself> Step 2: make sure they see it- repeat the same process with communication magazins journalists to get press releases and raise interest among the communication directors community.> Step 3: just wait for the targetted directors calls


From 150 communication directros names we bought on Google, we received 88 congratulations messages, 32 introduction meetings requests and 12 pitches…For a media budget of 39 €.

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