Cannes Lions


McCANN OSLO, Oslo / WIDERE / 2013


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






Background: Widerøe Airlines` creative concept is "All over Norway. All the time".

Brief: To engage all of Norway in the fact that Widerøe was awarded European Airline of the year.

Challenge: How could we make all of Norway aware of this without bragging? The campaign was also meant to increase the knowledge as well as improve the impression of Widerøe.

Idea: To gather all of Norway around one dinner table and join in the celebration.

And we needed as much PR as possible, but in a way which:

- Did not create the impression of Widerøe bragging

- Could live beyond the actual campaign

- Was in line with the creative concept: “ All over Norway. All the time”.


The celebration gave the campaign a clear and fun story, always mentioning the award and Widerøe's many destinations.

On people first chose one of the 42 destinations, then they nominated either a friend or themselves.

The website was adjusted for all platforms and promoted across all media channels. In the selection process we looked for unique stories that could generate local PR in the home town of each of the 42 guests.

Throughout the selection process we looked for unique ‘Widerøe stories’. This subsequently led the local newspapers’ to make tailor-made Widerøe press coverage of ‘their’ guests.


- The campaign site got more than 100,000 views, the number of suggestions exceeded 7,000. The Norwegian population is 5m.

- To invite 'all of Norway' to sit around one table represented the perfect brand stamp for Widerøe and created a new wave of PR for each new phase of the activity. The campaign created more than 2,000 unique media stories in total.

- Every article or social media post about the dinner party repeated the core message about Widerøe winning the award and wanting to share it with their travellers.

- Modest media spend, accumulated to €230,000 spent on net, radio and local print.

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