Cannes Lions

All That I Want Today


Presentation Image
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Case Film






The market of VOD tv series in Poland is very cluttered and competitive. All the big players like Netflix and HBO keep on producing new bangers. When Showmax was launching his new series Rojst, Netflix started campaign for his huge hit Stranger Things 2. How could a a story based in grimm 80s in a small town deep in communist Poland and treating about murder, prostitutes and political scandal compete with such a entertaining story like Stranger Things?

We had to get really loud with our campaign to beat the competition and use a medium that nobody expected.


Going out of the traditional advertising scheme, Showmax created its own communication language. Instead of creating yet another ad of a content, Showmax created a content that became an ad. The nostalgia for 80s is still very strong so we decided to use it for our favour. We took the best elements of Rojst plot, characters,the mood, the sets and created the most iconic, definitive thing for the 80s - a videoclip to the one of the biggest 80s hit song. The videoclip become a trailer to the series.


As Rojsts story could not compete with entertaining story of the competition titles we had to find the way to make audience love it before they will see it. As the story of the series is based in the 80s we used a big nostalgia for the 80s. If people love 80s so much we gave them something to love and created the most iconic and definitive thing for the 80s - a music video. We took a big hit from the 80s "All I Want today" and made its cover in a new hypnotising arrangement performed by Polish famous artists. The setup for the story was 80s famous club a the characters were played by one of the biggest move stars from 80s.


While creating the videoclip we took all the best elements of the series, from plot to characters, from the mood to the sets.We used: the cult bar from 80s as set up and one of the biggest movie stars as the main character. We made all the characters meet in that club, where in the series all the plots crossed. But there is no club without the music - so we took one of the 80's biggest hits "All I Want today" and made its cover in a new hypnotizing arrangement performed by Polish famous artists.

The videoclip put as musisc video on a youtube channel by a famous Polish record label three weeks before launch of the series, become the true trailer to the Rojst series.


Thanks to using a music video as a medium for a trailer, we managed to outshout the competition. The videoclip reached almost 21 000 000 views on of 27 M Internet users in Poland). We made the old song a big hit again as it climbed to the first places of the radio hit lists. It's till now one of the 10 most downloaded songs of Apple Music in Poland ( 3rd -7th place among all polish and International hits). It was streamed 4,8 M times in Spotify, and it became the most streamed hit of the already famous Polish artist Brodka. Thanks to the old stars from the 80s and nowadays biggest artists we made a big noise in media as well. Rojst was the most googled launch of the TV series on all platforms in 2019 (Google Trends).

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