Cannes Lions

Alzheimer ATM

Y&R BUENOS AIRES, Buenos Aires / BANCO SANTA FE / 2016


2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Demo Film






We conducted a simple but powerful activation using an instrument that we had at our disposal. The ATMs.

Seeking to raise awareness in society on such an important issue as Alzheimer's , we intervened the ATMs and made them become an unforgettable experience for our customers.

The activation consisted in that when a customer entered his pin, the ATM told him/her it was wrong . After three failed attempts , the ATM told them that this was how a person with Alzheimer felt every day and it also told them that only a very small percentage of patients receive proper treatment. Finally we invited them to make a donation to help these people to have a better treatment.


ALZHEIMER ATM was implemented throughout the province of Santa Fe (Argentina), in the various branches of the bank during the International Alzheimer’s Day.

Taking advantage of the significant flow of people who use the ATMs per day , we performed an activation at different ATMs for people to live an unforgettable experience and feel for a few minutes what a person with Alzheimer feels every day.


Our message reached 18.500 people in one day throughout Santa Fe, Argentina. 8.100 people made a voluntary donation.

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