Cannes Lions

GRIT – Australian Drought Stories

BMF, Sydney / BPAY / 2020

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Case Film
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For years, BPAY’s bill paying platform was known for its simplicity and ease. But in recent times, with faster, more set-and-forget payment options, like direct debit, its use was starting to decline and near universal awareness was being eroded by more modern salient payment methods, like Afterpay, Paypal and even Apple Pay.

Bills, after all, are a grudge payment, low interest and have a massive yawn factor. The challenge was to drive salience of a secure bill payment platform with a positioning that stood for more than just ease and got people to tune in, not tune out.

Our brief was to:

1) Find a way for lapsers and newbies to experience the security and simplicity of BPAY, through an activation that would encourage trial and re-engagement.

2) Build an emotional connection that would distinguish it from the competition and build loyalty in a sterile, low-interest category.


Last year Australia suffered its most severe drought in recorded history. Leaving a generation of farmers unable to pay their bills.

By turning BPAY into a donation platform during this national crisis – we fundamentally reframed what bill payment can be – changing it a from boring, irritating experience – to a positive, meaningful and rewarding one.

Simultaneously, we showcased the simplicity and power of the platform, through a nationwide product demonstration.


Despite BPAY’s long history as Australia’s original bill payment platform, data showed almost half of Aussies were unsure if BPAY was a payment tool, a company or what its BPAY’s offerings were.

However, research also showed that most Aussies recalled seeing the BPAY logo printed in the corner of their paper or electronic bills.

Leveraging this, our strategy became to position BPAY as being ‘In Your Corner’ – a universal, fair, not-for-profit payment platform, on the side of all Aussie bill payers and payees.


Every channel invited Australians to pay real farmers’ bills.

Biller codes became donation codes - turning BPAY into a financial lifeline, while showcasing the platform’s ease, speed and a clear proof-point that BPAY is in the corner of all Aussies – in good times and bad.

Over the 4-week campaign, TV, print, OOH and social executions became a direct call to help real farmers.

Paid media was supported by a short documentary directed by an emerging Australian director, aided by sponsored weather reports from drought affected farms.

The strength and resilience of farmers and their families was also captured in a live exhibition, ‘GRIT – Australian Drought Stories’, featuring artwork by an Australian award-winning photographer.

When COVID-19 hit, the live exhibition was re-imagined as an online exhibition featuring audio tours narrated by the farmers themselves and further boosted donations, with all proceeds from the artwork purchased using BPAY.


In 2 weeks $185,000 of bills were paid, helping countless farmers keep their heads above water until the rains returned.

BPAY saw significant increases in engagement with a 45% increase in brand trust and 48% increase in perceived convenience over the previous period.

Consumer consideration-to-usage metrics hit 78%. There was uplift in key brand attributes with high awareness 95%+ during the campaign period.

The campaign also generated 93+ million impressions on across all channels and the highest traffic to the BPAY brand site in its history.

Similar Campaigns

9 items


BMF, Sydney


2011, BPAY

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