Cannes Lions

Amazon Desert Rally


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The desertification of the Amazon has already begun, and it is something that could become irreversible if the forest is not protected. The Amazon Desert Rally campaign sheds light on this urgent situation, largely caused by illegal logging. We created a team composed of indigenous people to participate in a rally that isn't real, at least not yet – it will only happen if the process of Amazon desertification is not reversed. The team was named Tucunaré, which is a river fish from the Amazon that is endangered. Thus, the campaign aims to make people think about the origin of the wood they buy, to check if it is a certified product.


The goal of the campaign is to draw attention to a serious issue, the desertification of the Amazon, through a completely original idea: promoting a rally in the desert in a region occupied by a forest. It's an action that aligns perfectly with Vivo's purpose, the most sustainable company in Latin America. The campaign reaches out to everyone who typically buys products for their homes, raising awareness about the importance of wood certification. It also speaks to companies that purchase wood in large quantities for various purposes, as well as to the government, responsible for oversight and taking measures to protect the most sensitive areas.


Brazilian media and the public love motorsport but often overlook the drying Amazon rivers, despite losing 120 trillion liters in a year. To bring attention to this issue, we launched a rally in the desert formed by these dried-up rivers. Featuring an indigenous team as pilots, we announced the event with a film showing its location and purpose. Despite initial outrage over the location, the media and people paid attention to this unconventional automotive launch. This coincided with the week leading up to the country's largest Stock Car race of the year. We rented an exhibition stand at the event, shocking passersby. During the race's prime time, the chief of the Paiter Surui village revealed the rally's true intention: shedding light on this problem and making people and companies question the origin of the wood they purchase


To achieve a truly efficient and relevant outcome, the Amazon Desert Rally campaign needed to connect as closely as possible with those most affected by the desertification of the Amazon: indigenous communities. With this in mind, the entire design strategy was created. All campaign pieces carry the same aesthetic language found in the indigenous tribes of the region. Among the works developed are woodcut prints made on certified wood that received graphic intervention by the indigenous themselves. The posters were illustrated in a handmade process, using a special ink, following all ecological specifications. Furthermore, car miniatures were created from clay found in the dry riverbeds of the region. The pieces were hand-painted by indigenous artists. Additionally, overalls were manufactured with prints designed by the indigenous people.


The campaign's aim is to draw attention to a serious issue: the desertification of the Amazon, through a completely original idea - promoting a rally in the desert in a region occupied by a forest. It's an action that aligns perfectly with the purpose of Vivo, considered as the most sustainable company in Latin America. In all its stores, the brand uses only certified wood. It's a technology company, yet it uplifts the purpose of a more inclusive and sustainable society. The Amazon Desert Rally campaign sheds light not only on the issue of rivers but also on illegal logging in the region. One of the outcomes of the campaign could be seen in an activation held at the São Paulo Stock Car race, featuring a speech by an indigenous leader. The speech was posted on social media, and all Brazilian media covered the event.

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