Cannes Lions

Aprendemos juntos (We learn together)

WINK TTD, Madrid / BBVA / 2019

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Case Film






Education is a great opportunity to improve lives, but if we look at the surveys of the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), education is not among the main concerns of Spaniards and this despite data tells us, education in Spain has much to improve. For example, school performance, school dropout, or unemployed college student statistics are all substantially worse than the European average.

There is consensus among leaders in education, that our children’s education system is out-dated, likewise, there is also consensus around the skills that children need and that education does not cover.

Because of this, we undertook the challenge of developing a transformative project that would connect with people and help them improve their lives.

15 months later, “Aprendemos Juntos” has become the most important education project in Spain, also with high impact and penetration in all Spanish speaking countries, offering content and tools that bring real value to people, connecting with them emotionally.

“Aprendemos Juntos” is working towards achieving the main goals of education (Objective number 4 of the SDGs) providing keys for effective learning, practical and free tools to learn vital skills for personal and professional development, and promoting equality and a culture of sustainable development.


Originating from the context described above, the idea was born:

What if we put our resources at the service of making the conversation about education fashionable?

What if we turn the media into a speaker for the most relevant professionals in education, along with parents, students and teachers, to help us understand the keys to education today?

What if we put free tools and methodologies co-created with the best educators, at the service of all schools, to encourage the learning of new skills?

What if we create real opportunities for the lives of millions of children, leading a change in education, that will see it adapted to the real needs they will face in the future?

“Aprendemos Juntos” works to bring the conversation about education to the forefront, making all tools available to teachers, parents and children to help them develop their full potential.


Our mission is to involve the whole of society in meeting the challenge of helping each child to find his passion and develop his maximum potential.

We designed a strategy with two main pillars:

1) To lead the conversation about XXI Century education: We boost the conversation about education so that it occupies the place it deserves in our world. To do this, we created a video platform featuring transformative experts to teach us something new every day, occupying mass media and social networks to help thousands of families.

2) To empower children to develop their full potential: Together with the best educational specialists, we develop practical online learning methodologies to enhance the skills our children need.

Big brands are powerful because they have a point of view about society and they put their promise into useful projects for people who are capable of transforming and improving their lives.


Every Tuesday and Thursday we publish a new expert on the brand hub as well as on the different channels that conform the distribution strategy to reach mass audiences and connect with people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

• Front page of

• El Pais social channels

• Aprendemos Juntos social channels: FB, YT, TW and INS (Stories, Timeline & IGTV)

More than 120 experts have already shared their knowledge, inspiring stories and useful messages to help people empower the best version of themselves.

In addition to this, we have developed 3 practical, free and universal online Learning Methodologies, to help parents and teachers to teach their children and students vital skills to develop their full potential. More than 25.000 people and more than 5.000 schools are already using our free tools (Public speaking, Emotional intelligence, Conflict resolution.)


In only 15 months, “Aprendemos Juntos” has exceeded 420 million views (7 times the objectives set), 81% of which are organic, and average number of interactions per expert exceeds 50,000, demonstrating the relevance of the contents for our audience.

Our community exceeds 1 million people (1.5MM) and grows to an average of 30,000 followers a week.

In 2018, at least one of our videos always featured in the top 5 Youtube Ads leaderboard awards, for the effectiveness of our content on this platform, and 5 of our videos were among the top 10 most watched of the newspaper “El pais” in 2018.

“Aprendemos Juntos” is one of 6 Spanish projects chosen by the B20 for promoting education and working towards achieving their goals, (B20: Forum of private companies that present the G20 states with the business projects that are helping to achieve the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals).

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