Cannes Lions


THE SECRET SERVICE, Bucharest / AMC / 2009

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The creative concept: Snoring men persecuted by their wives.We placed such a guy out of his home in a backlit in downtown Bucharest creating a news worthy happening. The poor guy slept & snored for two weeks there then we placed an Asonor bottle next to him that turned the snoring off and we popped up on the news on TV that evening. A homemade website was created to broadcast live images of the backlit 24/7. We made a Twitter account to bring people on our website. Movies of the snoring men were uploaded on YouTube to be embedded on the website and on blogs. We covered the story on the most listened radio morning show, daily promoting the website, too. Print ads in magazines, press and at the POS showed other men having physical malformations because of the unusual positions they were forced to sleep in their whole life.

Outcome (the homemade website) recorded up to 30.000 unique visitors in less than a week. Related YouTube and internet links were listed as first options when Googling for snore related words.TV stations, online and printed newspapers reacted and covered the story for free. Topics, follow-ups and debates related to Mr. Snory on more than 35 high audience blogs. Countless people passing by him daily, radio listeners they all learned about Asonor in a direct, interactive and memorable way.

We spent less than 0,70 euro / prospect and induced trial up to a 35% sales increase.

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