
Attack Mode

IRIS, London / FORMULA E / 2019

Presentation Image
Case Film






Season 5 brought a new faster, more aggressive car, new manufacturers, and new drivers, it was set to be the most exciting yet. But with improvements in battery technology allowing 1 charge to last the whole race – the mid race car change pit swap was lost. And with it the excitement and unpredictability it brought. Formula E was in real danger of having zero tactical intrigue and the races becoming a dull procession. We were tasked with adding jeopardy and excitement to the race to enhance the viewer experience.

But this couldn’t be a mere marketing gimmick – we were tasked with fundamentally re-thinking the rules, tactics and spectacle of what a racing series could be. This meant we needed something that would not only entertain fans, but also be accepted by the FIA and by the drivers and teams.

Our solution was Attack Mode.


Attack Mode increases the intensity of the on-track action - a unique innovation in sport, introduced to enhance the viewer experience and retain the unpredictable nature of the electric street racing series.

Drivers are able to access Attack Mode at any time during the race from the second lap - allowing them to chase down their rivals or build a lead to defend their position. Attack Mode temporarily boosts power levels from 200kW to 225kW, giving them the edge on their opponents for a short period of time.

Like with most great innovations, its success is in how intuitive it is. By adapting the idea of a ‘power-up’ from the world of video-gaming, we have created something that at once both feels completely new to the world of motorsport and feels intuitive to the audience.


- The outcome is more exciting races. Specifically, it does this in three ways:

1. Creates the conditions for more over-taking in the race. As all motorsports know, it is overtaking that creates visual drama and excitement – more wheel-to-wheel competition is the best outcome of any rule change.

2. Creates a new tactical dimension for teams to understand and exploit, and for pundits and fans to discuss/debate

3. Creates a clear differentiation from other more tradition motorsports (Formula 1; Touring Cars etc.); positioning Formula E as the future and gives fans another reason to believe and fly the flag for their adopted sport

- Forbes described the innovation as “potentially as significant as the three-point shot in basketball”.

- Winner of Silver Entertainment for Sport Lion at Cannes 2019.


The innovation is the introduction of an off-[racing]-line activation zone, featuring three timing sensors to confirm the entry, progression through, and exit of the zone. Provided all three sensors are triggered, the driver can activate the armed ‘Attack Mode’ button on their steering wheel to access a higher power mode of 225kW. The technology supporting this is on-board telemetry and sensors.

To bring this to life for fans, Formula E broadcasters in season five incorporate virtual reality - with the activation zone rendered on the track as a tied to field graphic. This cutting-edge technology harnesses trackside camera tracking, live telemetry data and powerful graphic engines to help tell the story of the race and creates a differentiated visual product for Formula E vs. its competitors.

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