Cannes Lions


JWT, Sydney / RAC / 2014

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Driver inattention is the biggest killer on WA roads. Yet no one knew it. Apart from mobile phones, little research had been carried in the area. As driver inattention includes everything from mental distractions to physical distractions, it was both complex to communicate and prove.

Our two key objectives then became, raising awareness of the problem and learning more to educate the public in an effort to reduce the road toll.


The only way to measure all forms of inattention as one, is through brain activity. This thought led us to create the world's first Attention Powered Car – a car that goes when you're paying attention and slows when you're not.

The final solution was the result of months of testing and development. Most notably, the first ever algorithm to calculate what 'paying attention' while driving actually looks like, and the soft/hardware to feed this information back to the driver in real time (by slowing the car down).


• Inattention awareness in WA 56%

• Forward thinking brand perception + 36%

• Brand preference + 16%

• NPS + 68%

• 55 + million earned media impressions.

• 6 feature news stories on national network TV.

• Fact uncovered: Driver inattention occurs at least once every minute.

• Invited to share findings at World Congress of Intelligent Transport Systems.

• Attention Powered Car now used as education tool at RAC’s Driver Training Centre.

• A wearable ‘hat’ version of technology has been commissioned as a result of the innovation’s success at teaching ‘attentive’ driving.

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