Cannes Lions

Audi Design Challenge


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“Anyone who has purchased an Audi will look for top designs in other areas of life, too.” Under the theme “Design to illuminate the Audi lifestyle,” the Audi Design Challenge is held in four categories: Music, Motion Graphic, Accessory, and Furniture Design. Although numerous car companies in Korea have held events in the form of a design competition, they have more often than not been automobile design competitions strictly for design students and professionals or just one-off events. Audi, on the other hand, had the aim of hosting an ongoing design competition that reflects Audi’s brand philosophy. It’s based on Audi’s philosophy that a brand cherished by consumers creates greater value in life and is not just limited to its products. It was the first initiative in Korea that a design competition has been held under a concept that combines brand experience and lifestyle.


The Audi Design Challenge is carried out as follows:

A total of 16 teams are selected through two screening processes and a mentoring program. The four winners from each of the four categories are awarded KRW 20 million (€15,357). In most design competitions, nothing but the design concept is evaluated, but participants in the Audi Design Challenge final had the chance to produce real-size models with the support of the mentoring program and production fund. As a result, Audi motivates participants so much more than the average event. In fact, we invited leading experts in each field as judges and mentors in order to improve the final works and to promote the Audi Design Challenge for opinion leaders in the field of design. Also, the head office of Audi sends a designer for the final screening every year to support the Audi Design Challenge and select the best works.


As a sponsor for new designers in Korea—and well beyond just design marketing—Audi Korea has received tremendous support and favorable reception from the design community. The Audi Design Challenge presents profound understanding and interpretation of the brand through the language of design, and has become a leading competition in the Korean design community. In addition, the warm encouragement winners receive is an important part of this event. For example, one winner was able to move his studio from an underground space to a sunny area thanks to the award money, while another winner said that he gained the courage to leave his job in order to follow his long-held dream to direct commercials. In short, the Audi Design Challenge has become a benchmark for Audi’s competitors and has also played a significant role in improving its brand experience and image.

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