Cannes Lions



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With the number of HIV cases in Israel showing an upward trend, we needed to raise awareness about how easy it is to get infected.Goal: get people which had enough of the AIDS issue, to talk about it again.

We created a band named SDIA, released a song and video clip "Going all the way" and sent it to all radio stations. On World Aids Day, after the song caught and the band got media interest, we revealed the secret behind the band:SDIA is AIDS (spelled backwards)Instantly, people turned from music fans to active players in a social campaign.See how easy it is to infect.The secret band was the trigger for an ongoing PR story. The more the song caught, the more curiosity it created about the band SDIA. When the secret was revealed, the story even became bigger and a second wave of PR coverage began. Because this was for a public cause and the solution we created was unique, buzz about the Aids issue grew by 75% more than the year before: the Aids issue was back on the public agenda.National TV, radio, newspapers, the internet and MTV Europe covered the story.


We created a fictitious band named SDIA, released a song called "Going all the way" and sent it to all radio stations.

We also recruited a PR professional to circulate small bits of information to the media. Once people started spreading the song, media interest picked up and generated unpaid coverage.

On World Aids Day, after the song caught and people were engaged, at a music PR event at one of Tel Aviv's largest clubs and in the presence of all the media, we revealed the band secret:SDIA = AIDS (Spelled backwards)And this is actually the Aids Task Force's Annual World Aids Day Campaign.People turned from music fans to active players in a social campaign.Hours of apparently innocent entertainment content became a meaningful message at once: "See how easy it to infect".A second wave of free and earned media began.


BEFORE SDIA’s secret was revealed:• Over 8 HOURS of radio airtime within weeks.• Ranked #4 on Israel’s music chart.• Ranked #9 on the most downloaded ringtones list.

• Played once every hour in 300 coffee shops.• Used as The 'Big Brother' Show wake-up theme (most popular TVshow)• Reviewed by Israel’s #1 'E-Entertainment' TV show.AFTER SDIA’s secret was revealed:The SDIA story and the AIDS issue became breaking news and a top media story that earned the Task Force a 2nd wave of free media coverage on National T.V, radio, newspapers, the Internet and MTV Europe.+75% media coverage of World Aids Day vs. 2009.

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