Cannes Lions



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What is the best way to communicate a new product that people don’t usually like to talk about?

To launch this new product, Power Activ, Bref decided to realize a funny and interactive YouTube video. The protagonists? A boy band. Or at least, so it seemed.

We supported the video launch with a digital PR campaign, considering it as the launch of a true boy band. We created a signed poster, a magazine cover, an event flyer and a t-shirt and we put them in a box sent to 45 people, selected for their ability to spread contents across the social web.

But, what is the best way to make someone fall in love? Dedicate him a song!

And so we did. We created 45 songs, one for each influencer, based on their blog contents, on their tweets, on their opinions. In other words, based on their personality.

The tracks, sung by one of the boy band’s members in a personalized video, were recorded on CDs and sent to the influencers.

This new way of approaching the influencers turned out to be very engaging.

Many, among the contacted people, truly believed that a new boy band was about to enter the music scene, until the interactive video was revealed, three days after they received the box.

A huge amount of conversations about the initiative spread across the social web.


October - We had the first contact with the selected influencers. We cultivated this relationship with teasing e-mails about the launch of the boy band.

November - When the hype was built up leaving the influencers without a clue of what was going to happen, we sent them the box (November 16th) offering them a personalized experience. The box contained a signed poster, a magazine cover, a t-shirt and a CD with a dedicated video.

Why a custom video?

Most important influencers receive many collaboration requests every day: we had the chance to distinguish this campaign, both for the type of activity planned and by offering a fully customized experience, therefore unique and memorable for any blogger.

Moreover, a flyer invited them to join the boy band's first hit single reveal, on YouTube on November 20th.


The people we contacted started to talk about this 'strange' pack they received, generating lots of conversations across the social web, via Twitter, Facebook and their own blogs, even before the reveal of the Youtube video.

In numbers:

- 42 out of 45 outreached influencers actived conversations about the initiative.

- Moreover, another 11 blogs and news sites spontaneously talked about the campaign.

- 555 mentions on Twitter

- 1.551.400: the reach generated through outreached influencers

- 10.422.400 the aggregated reach (spontaneous conversations + outreached influencers)

- 4.518.356 views on

- 1.482 channel subscriptions

In other words, people started to talk about this product because of an engaging and unexpected activity.

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