Cannes Lions


iThink, Sao Paulo / SANTANDER / 2012

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Everyday different people with different problems knock on the door of a bank in search of solutions. With the signature ‘Let us do it together’, Santander Bank decided to explore the role of a social hub by proving how it can be a great connector of opportunities. This is the role that Santander would like to be the first to publicise in Brazil. However, the challenge in creating a platform to exchange ideas that can inspire and bring ideas together is in how to materialise the final promise: what to do with all of the material that can be generated there?

The levels of engagement, and the quality of participation, were the necessary elements for the bank's investment in one of the ideas that was generating the most connections on the platform: create lines of credit for sustainable housing. This was another great challenge because Brazilian law does not allow for a person's first house, that isn't low income housing, to be financed with public funds. Santander, through its Ideas Connection, studied and overcame obstacles to officially become the first bank in Brazil to finance a green house.


To obtain high quality participation, the platform brought real stories to start with. A web series was created to illustrate good ideas. Episodes, such as continue icons, were spread around the different points of contact on the user's navigator: bank sites/ content sites/ blogs/ and even newspaper classifieds - showing a story to be developed. The story started to become less significant on the platform, and people's participation became the leading factor.


The main result of the campaign was to launch a new financial product in Brazil - the creation of a line of credit to buy environmentally friendly housing thanks to the connection of ideas generated on the site. Aside from this, in a little more than a month, the site received 130,000 hits, its videos were viewed 90,000 times, each user stayed connected on average for 8 minutes, 126m impressions, 7,500 hours of engagement, and 400 ideas for the stories.

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2020, DNB BANK

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