Cannes Lions


DAWN, Amsterdam / TRIODOS BANK / 2012

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Triodos Bank is the world’s most sustainable bank (according to the Financial Times). But it’s also a very small bank with an extremely limited media budget. We had just one chance to communicate an issue of shares. Our solution: we used up the entire budget to take over the NASDAQ tickertape on New York’s Time Square for one hour. In the middle of an Occupied city and at the height of the financial crisis, we replaced the traditional profit and loss figures with the values of the bank. Happiness (up) Greed (down) Fairtrade (up) Poverty (down). We filmed the tickertape as it rolled, made a webfilm of the event and then spread this over the internet, to both sustainable blogs and financial newssites. Showing potential investors that these times demand a different way of looking at investments.We replaced the traditional profit and loss figures with the values of the bank. Happiness (up) Greed (down) Fairtrade (up) Poverty (down)Happiness (up) Greed (down) Culture (up) Nature (up) Inequality (down) Exploitation (down) Care (up) Poverty (down) Development (up) Honesty (up), Truth (up) Oil (down) Fairtrade (up) Microfinance (up) Climate change (down) Pesticides (down) E-numbers (down) Solar energy (up) CO2 (down) Waste (down) Recycling (up) Organic farming (up) Pollution (down) Education (up)Healthcare (up) Art (up).Invest in a sustainable future.

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