Cannes Lions

“Be Moved by TD” Handwriting Simulator

FCB HEALTH, New York / TEVA / 2024

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Case Film






Patients with TD are robbed of their sense of control, their sense of self—even their own signature. Because of this, many patients will stop taking the drug that caused their TD, not realizing that discontinuing antipsychotics can actually make TD symptoms worse. For patients who have worked so hard to achieve psychiatric stability, this is a devastating setback.

But despite the significant mental and physical impact of TD, these patients are not getting the diagnosis or treatment that they need. Some are told that there’s nothing that can be done, that this is their new reality. The ultimate goal of the “Be Moved by TD” Handwriting Simulator is to give HCPs the unprecedented opportunity to experience the reality of TD firsthand—and move them to take action for the hundreds of thousands of patients who remain untreated.


After poring over literature and countless patient testimonials, some lines really struck a nerve:

“My hands started twitching uncontrollably.” “I couldn’t even write my own name anymore.” “People thought I had a stroke.”

After hearing about how TD was affecting patients’ hand movements, we determined that one of the most impactful subjects for an experience would be writing—specifically, a device that would impart to doctors how TD affects the very personal act of signing one’s name.

Together with movement disorder specialists, we gathered insights around patients’ handwriting patterns, collecting information on the frequency and degree of TD movements and analyzing writing patterns in patient videos. This effort helped ensure our device accurately represented the unique presentation of TD. The more true-to-life our device was, the better chance we would have at moving doctors to action.


To make a strong impression on doctors, "Be Moved by TD” needed to be medically accurate and emotionally powerful. The stylus’s haptic feedback needed to align with TD movements and be strong enough to interfere with writing fluidity. The signature-altering tablet would further raise the emotional stakes—doctors would not only feel the impact of TD, but also see the dramatic effect on their own handwriting.

With the problem of underdiagnosis being so widespread, national conventions were an ideal setting for launching “Be Moved by TD.” Because quick-hitting interactive experiences perform best at conventions, our experience would need to be simple yet unforgettable. There would be no complicated gear to wear, no rules to learn, no formulas to follow. Just pick up the stylus, try to write, and be moved. In this way, we would generate energy and conversation around TD that lasted long after the convention ended.


After months of research, engineering, experience design, and testing, “Be Moved by TD” debuted at some of the largest psychiatric conventions in America—APA and US Psych Congress. To create a bigger buzz on the convention floor, we designed a large display screen where HCPs could post their signatures after trying the simulator. As the altered signatures of their colleagues animated on screen, attendees were motivated to try the simulator themselves. By the end, the display became a moving mural of the impact of TD not just on fine motor skills, but also on the identities of those affected.

Next, we brought this tech to local HCPs who may not attend large conventions. We created a compact writing tablet that could be transported and took “Be Moved by TD” on the road with the goal of expanding our reach to practices around the country where TD awareness is needed most.


The simulator has reached 400+ healthcare providers to date at national conventions and regional events. Most importantly, we’ve seen a major shift in the mindsets of the HCPs who have used it:

“Experiencing this technology firsthand, experiencing how [TD] impacts their quality of life, will definitely increase the provider's motivation and awareness, and then obviously addressing the treatment in the future sessions.”

—Dr. Rajdeep Ranade, Psychiatrist

Many others like Dr. Ranade have already been moved to action in their communities—there is an overwhelming demand for the simulator from physicians who want to bring the experience to local events. We plan to continue expanding the reach of “Be Moved by TD” to help get patients across the country the TD treatment they need.

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