Cannes Lions

Be Your Better Boss


Case Film
Supporting Images
Supporting Content






Ever since the office is where the home is, we have been struggling to balance out work, household and our own needs. We neglect ourselves: under-eating, under-exercising, under-caring for our eyes and spine… We are tired and overstimulated, burned-out and devoid of actual life space... And yet ever accompanied by a feeling of guilt, the thought ringing in our heads: are we not doing too little and too slow in our home office?

In the life-and-work turmoil, a question comes back: can we work remotely at all? We know already technology for such work should be just as functional, ergonomic and easy to use as in the office, and each employer should provide their employees with best tools available… But in term of long-term effects and motivation, the much more important thing is our general well-being. And that’s what Dell speaks about in our campaign.


We realized the home-office is the real freelance lesson, where we are responsible not only for our output, but also mental and physical fitness. And the real remote working problem is, there’s always the „inside boss” accompanying us, he is deciding whether to eat, take a walk, focus on work or maybe turn off the computer.

You should realize that… your boss is you. Either the worst, or the best there is.

Our main message is the necessity to get to terms with this boss and take care of one’s needs. That’s why we created three video spots showing campaign protagonist Arthur (everymen type) solving daily „home-made” corpo workers dilemmas. The spots were accompanied by home-office wellbeing content hub. All our articles and webinars were supported by specialists in technology, physical and mental health, advising on how good habits and proper equipment can help you become your better boss.


Scientific and mass-media reports, employee and customer focus groups interviews led us towards the complex home office issue – difficulties maintaining mental, physical and digital well-being.

The target group were ones most susceptible – corporation managers and staff, both moved over to remote work during the pandemic, facing similar challenges: skipping meals, no exercise, no family time, incorrect work station preparation an being under pressure.

Our main challenge was for Dell, the largest supplier of tech equipment, to confront the digital fatigue and suggesting credible solutions.

The turning point was the realization that during home office, everyone goes freelance with their internal boss breathing down their necks – becoming your enemy, or ally. Our call to action was to encourage TG to overcome the internal pressure and put their well-being at the centre, which translates to work satisfaction and well-being. This is the message of “Be your better boss”.


Campaign launched late January and included both paid and organic action, mainly on client and employee profiles at LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube. Spot traffic was directed to campaign website (betterboss). Campaign lasted until April 2022.

Our 3 video spots show campaign protagonist Arthur (everyman type) solving daily „home-made” dilemmas of corpo workers. All the materials prepared for the campaign, were advising on how good habits as well as proper equipment can help you become your better boss. Content hub with webinars and articles supported by specialists in technology, physical and mental health. We’ve established cooperation with over a dozen media outlets (nationwide, tech, channel, IT & lifestyle).

Campaign included about 50 placements, paid, organic and user generated posts.


The campaign had an excellent reception among the target audience. Video spot posts, especially one published from Dell Technologies Poland employee profiles, went viral of LinkedIn which was our main campaign platform.

In the comments, PMs and post shares the company was widely praised for its out-of-the-box approach to talking about remote working, understanding the actual employee problems and relating to their issues.

We were most happy with the feedback from people who commented posts saying “relatable” and “it’s me” as well as “now I will try and change my bad habits”.

The campaign reached all of its KPIs in a time much shorter than planned, making Dell Technologies Poland heard throughout the technology sector in Poland.

Campaign generated total of 1 500 000 video spots views, 3 000 000 impressions, and 15 000 unique users landing page visits during 3 months.

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