Cannes Lions

Beauty with social impact


Case Film






One of the fundamental pillars of our corporate social responsibility strategy is to harness our content production and distribution capabilities to make a positive impact on society. With the conviction that gender equality and the empowerment of women are key factors in the pursuit of a better society, over the last three years we have undertaken several initiatives throughout our communications platforms to address gender issues via awareness campaigns and news coverage, as well as integrated social messaging in our telenovelas and programming in general.

Latin American countries have some of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world, and approximately every four minutes a teenage girl gives birth to a child in Venezuela. Many girls who become pregnant have to leave school. This has long-term implications for them as individuals, their families and communities, including the perpetuation of the cycle of poverty. Our most recent campaign, #SiTeApurasQueGanas (If you rush, what do you gain?) aims to raise awareness on teen pregnancy and motivate youth in Venezuela to plan their future.


Implementation from July through December, 2015:

Nationwide broadcast television station: seven 40-second spots aired throughout daily programming (total runs 1,287); three interviews with experts and campaign spokesperson on morning talk show; campaign message during pre-Miss Venezuela interactive live show; and eight spots and three mentions during the Miss Venezuela televised pageant.

National cable television channel: seven 40-second spots aired throughout daily programming (total runs 729).

Radio: Eight spots with a total 1,300 runs on five regional and national stations.

Billboards: Nine in five cities.

Underground transportation: advertising in main station in capital city.

Movie theaters: Three spots with a total of 4,590 runs in ten cities.

Social media: 8,308 tweets and 474 posts on Instagram.

Press releases: five.


Given our objective to raise awareness amongst a broad audience, the extent of our reach in a country with a population of 30 million inhabitants was crucial. Almost 10 million TV viewers, 224,789 movie spectators and approximately 2 million metro users were exposed to spots and advertising, in addition to radio listeners throughout the country; our posts on Instagram reached 14,929,542 users on Instagram and 341,556,595 impressions on Twitter; we obtained press coverage on 86 print and digital publications; and four local NGOs that work to prevent teen pregnancy were showcased during the interviews on the morning show and beauty pageant on national television, and received a donation of US$83,000 based on audience votes through an interactive platform. In addition, our initiative engaged a private sector sponsor to support the campaign by funding outdoor advertising in Venezuela, and set the ground for regional collaboration with an international media company.

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