Cannes Lions

Big Milk Landing


Presentation Image
Case Film
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Our initial idea was to create an ice cream delivery activation, where people could just order ice cream whenever they were - and receive ice-cold deliciousness straight to their hand.

It started as an online contest for the city that most needs a little bit of joy - and ended in a huge event, where ice cream would literally fall from the sky. That would really bring a smile to many faces and help them “keep their heads up”. #Hence, #headsup became the main hashtag for the campaign.


First - there was the online contest. Our audience was activated to post pictures of their city and tag it with the #headsup hashtag if they wanted to receive a special transport of joy. Much to our content - the winning city was Radom - a symbolic victim of Polish transformation.

On 26th of July we organised “Big Milk Landing” event there. Nobody knew what was going to happen until day zero.

On that day - a unique machine named BigMilkopter appeared on the Radom sky.

BM-01 is basically a freezer-drone carrying Big Milks and dropping them on small parachutes into the crowd.

People who followed us on social media, could download a special Big milk ordering app which influenced the drone’s course. Everone who wanted a Big Milk could ‘call’ the BigMilkopter. Then, we directed the drone to the respective locations and dropped BigMilks where the most people wanted them.


The event gathered 4000 people, to which BM-01 delivered Big Milks throghout the whole day. We’ve sampled 5000 ice cream and uncountable amount of simple joy. The materials recorded on the “Desant” were used extensively in Big Milk’s social channels. People themselves delivered a lot of tagged content, which we published on the event website.

On Facebook, we`d reached 3 192 943 people. The Instagram reach was 390 000 and 88,083 liked photos. Wiews of Youtube episode plus video spot reached number as big as 2 429 242.

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