
Birthual Reality


Case Film
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Knowing that parents rarely change insurance providers, we chose to focus on first-time parents. Many of whom are nervous and unsure on what to expect of childbirth since it’s difficult to understand what childbirth is really like before experiencing it yourself.

In order to reach them, we wanted to engage midwifes and media that are already talking to and educating expectant parents. With the help of our unique VR-experience we wanted to create something interesting for media and helpful for midwifes all over Sweden.

We aimed to get coverage in some of Swedens biggest media within TV, radio and newspapers, using international media to increase the credibility.

VR kits were sent to the majority of maternity clinics and hospitals across Sweden to give them an opportunity to include the material in their daily pre-natal activities.


Our ambition with the tactical media outreach was to secure coverage in some of Swedens biggest media outlets. In order to do so we a few days before launch contacted selected media within TV, radio and newspapers offering them to take part of the material before the broad media outreach.

At launch (31st of may) we sent VR kits to the majority of maternity clinics and hospitals across Sweden to give them an opportunity to include the material in their daily pre-natal activities. At the same time we contacted additional Swedish journalist with targeted and personalized email pitches containing press release as well as an offer to ship VR glasses.

Then we started contacting media internationally with the aim to earn even more credibility. Thanks to this we could keep the buzz going longer by approaching Swedish media again, telling them how Birthual Reality spread worldwide.


The project has been showcased in several of Sweden’s largest media outlets and earned media coverage in Sweden reached over half of the Swedish population. Internationally, the project has been highlighted by, amongst others, French Le Monde and American CNET, and hundreds of articles have given rise to over 200 million media impressions.

The assisted brand awareness is 23% but within the group who have children/are currently pregnant that has now reached 31%. Compared with the same period last year, the sales of the child insurances increased by 25%.

Several Swedish hospitals confirm that they are using the film for educational purposes in their parent groups today. An outcome that cannot be purchased regardless of the size of your marketing budget.

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