Cannes Lions

BISP Rural Women Sales Program


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The partnership between Nestlé Pakistan and BISP addresses the socioeconomic challenges faced by rural women in Pakistan. With 63% of the population representing rural sector and rural female labor participation doubling from 16% to 32% over the past 2.5 decades, there's a pressing need to empower these women. Nestlé's brand values of diversity, social impact, and women empowerment align perfectly with this goal.

By partnering with BISP, Nestlé aims to create shared value for communities, particularly through its Rural Women Sales Program. This initiative has enrolled over 3000 BISP beneficiaries as sales agents and provided micro-loans worth PKR 2 million to support their businesses. The objective is not just financial empowerment but also advancing the UN's SDGs, especially Goals 1 (No Poverty), 5 (Gender Equality), and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). Through this partnership, Nestlé demonstrates its commitment to promoting economic empowerment and gender equality in Pakistan's rural areas.


The creative idea behind Nestlé Pakistan's initiative with the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) lies in empowering rural women through entrepreneurship while addressing societal challenges. By leveraging BISP's infrastructure, Nestlé provides comprehensive training to rural women to become micro-entrepreneurs and sales agents, enabling them to sell Nestlé products within their communities. This initiative not only fosters financial independence but also promotes gender equality and poverty alleviation. The strategic collaboration with BISP ensures effective implementation across various regions, respecting cultural values of community support and empowerment. Through culturally sensitive interventions and sustainable impact, Nestlé's initiative uplifts rural communities, amplifies the voices of rural women, and contributes to the overall development of Pakistan.


In crafting our social impact program, Nestlé acknowledges that there's no singular solution to women's empowerment. We recognize that sustained prosperity hinges on creating an equitable platform for women to realize their potential. Collaborating with BISP, we meticulously analyzed data to grasp the unique needs of rural women in Pakistan. Identifying districts through sales teams, we engage interested women, providing them with basic math skills and informing them about our micro-loan facility.

Through one-on-one sessions, we guide them in setting up their businesses, ensuring ongoing support in shop management. Furthermore, we extend our outreach to government officials, activists, and customers, raising awareness about the Nestlé BISP Rural Women Sales Program's impact on poverty alleviation and gender equality. This holistic approach underscores our commitment to fostering inclusive growth and empowerment within communities.


The execution of Nestlé's partnership with BISP involves the rural sales team visiting districts with potential beneficiaries who can be enrolled as sales agents, creating awareness through meetings and training sessions that help identify beneficiaries with potential to work. The selected participants are then enrolled in the program.

By enrolling over 3000 BISP beneficiaries as sales agents and providing micro-loans worth PKR 4 million,the program has enabled women to establish their own businesses and become financially independent micro-entrepreneurs.

Under the program, women have been able to gain valuable skills that empower them to generate income and support their families, as they are trained on sales techniques, pricing strategies, and product knowledge. Additionally, the project provides trainings on soft skills and hygiene practices, contributing to the overall well-being and empowerment of rural women. This holistic approach ensures that women not only achieve financial independence but also experience personal growth and development.


Witnessing the success stories of empowered women within their communities, and motivated by the tangible transformations in their lives, previously hesitant individuals eagerly joined the Nestlé BISP Rural Women Sales Program. It has significantly advanced (SDGs), particularly Goals 1, 5, and 8. Currently, the program boasts 3000 sales agents, a number steadily increasing every few months. This means the program has touched the lives of 3000 families across 28 rural districts in Punjab and Sindh.

These regions, plagued by poverty, witness a profound shift as women gain financial autonomy. Enabled to invest in education and healthcare, they ensure a brighter future for their children. By challenging entrenched social norms, these women emerge as catalysts for change. With its scalable model, the program offers a blueprint for similar endeavors. Its enduring impact resonates in the realms of poverty alleviation, gender parity, and economic advancement, making tangible strides in rural Pakistan's development.

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