Cannes Lions

Bleeding Is Normal


Presentation Image
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Case Film






• In Peru, girls do not receive menstrual education in schools. No brand in the category has a program to address this issue. Nosotras have been developing a program in schools for 25 years, with the aim of educating girls on this topic. In 2022, we wanted to go further by incorporating boys into the discussion, since 6 out of 10 girls have heard from them that menstruation is dirty and unpleasant. To achieve this, we used a very common element related to bleeding, which is band-aids, designing them in the shape of sanitary pads and distributing them in 2090 schools from 15 Peruvian cities.

• We needed to create a campaign to educate and raise awareness among boys about menstruation and mitigate the bullying that this generated towards girls.

• Generate conversation in schools and the general population around the topic of menstruation, to break taboos and continue educating.


While children do not experience the menstruation process, they also bleed in school when they hit themselves or have typical sports accidents, and they usually use band-aids for that. With this logic, we developed band-aids in the shape of pads to convey in a simple and direct way that bleeding it's a common thing, and it should not be a reason for mockery or harassment.


Insight : Men also bleed

Key Message: #BleedingIsNormal

Target audience Boys and girls from 9 to 13 years old. KOLs, Media, Public opinion.


Schools Program : In 2022 we included boys in our program, being the first brand to talk about menstruation to boys. This content was very relevant for media.

Sanitary pads as band-aids : Our main asset was the band-aid. We distributed 500k boxes to schools, KOLS, journalists and media

Videocase : We create a video case and share it in social media

Men KOLS: We partner with men KOLS such as soccer players, artists, journalists, entrepreneurs, activists.

Hacking the World Cup: We partner with a soccer journalist who travelled to Qatar during the World Cup and help as distribute band-aids through fans


Through the Schools Program that Nosotras has been carrying out for 25 years in Latin America, from april to December 2022, we made these bandaids reach 2090 schools in 15 Peruvian cities.

Since the idea was so simple, the band-aids circulated not only in schools, but also reached thousands of people who used them and shared them on social networks under the hashtag #BleedingIsNormal.

We also summon key male opinion leaders who are highly followed by this young audience such as soccer players, actors, influencers and artists using our band-aids.

We were part of the television program most watched by Peruvians and our children's audience and we managed to get the leading child to show the band-aid and say that bleeding is normal

We even capitalized the World Cup in Qatar to reach our audience through a sports program.


+72M impressions

+45M Reach

+5M$ Free press

97% after seeing the campaign think that bleeding is normal.

87% agreed with the incorporation of men (boys) to the Schools Program.

95% recognize Nosotras as the leading brand in the normalization of the rule.

Brand appeal Increased 22 pp

Purchase intention Increased 11pp

Shareability Increased 10pp

Brand engagement Increased 6 pp

Brand identification Increased 6pp

350k children reached in 2,090 Peruvian schools (15 cities)

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