Cannes Lions


ENGINE, London / BMW / 2012







The UK branded content environment has changed significantly over the last few years due to a combination of government legislation and the continued progress of technology. The main changes have been how brands have been able to distribute content. UK legislation has recently changed to allow product placement in commercial programming, which has created new opportunities for brands to become integrated with established and emerging media properties. Until this point, advertisers could commission programming relevant to their interests for broadcast on commercial TV, but were incredibly limited in how their product could be integrated due to ruling around ‘undue prominence’. Now, with the use of an OFCOM approved logo, an advertiser’s brands can feature more predominantly, albeit within strict guidelines. In commercial TV, specific programming devoted to a brand is still restricted.The digital environment and social media are less restricted in terms of branded content and so provide the greatest opportunity for brands to explicitly feature their messaging within editorial/dramatic content. As a result, increasing numbers of advertisers are exploiting these channels to provide richer content around their messaging and brands.


The idea was to create four unique documentaries by four leading UK documentary directors, involving 4 of the best team GB athletes. Each documentary would explore a different angle on what it takes to deliver The Ultimate Performance. In parallel we looked at how these stories related to BMW and their journey to deliver The Ultimate Performance.Rebecca Adlington, Louis Smith, David Weir and Steve Cram were picked to feature in the films. We then partnered with leading feature documentary directors, including Asif Kapadia of Senna fame, to unlock the individual stories.The films were launched at a London premier and then released online via a dedicated YouTube site, which also featured an introductory film from the British Olympic Association’s Sir Clive Woodward. The films were seeded with film style trailers, SEO and blogger outreach, while an extensive editorial partnership with The Times explored and further promoted the series.

Rebecca Adlington, Louis Smith, David Weir and Steve Cram were picked to feature in the films. We then partnered with leading feature documentary directors, including Asif Kapadia of Senna fame, to unlock the individual stories.The films were launched at a London premier and then released online via a dedicated YouTube site, which also featured an introductory film from the British Olympic Association’s Sir Clive Woodward. The films were seeded with film style trailers, SEO and blogger outreach, while an extensive editorial partnership with The Times explored and further promoted the series.


•1,501,232 views of the films in the first three months of the campaign.•Still £50K of the £250k online seeding budget to spend.

•Predicting over 2m views in total (including the expected uplift in views during Games Time).•Delivering 2.9 million minutes of branded content.

•At a cost of just 12.5 pence per engagement.•Successfully broadcasting our message and raising awareness of BMW sponsorship.•The success of the films means they are also being used across the 146 BMW Dealerships and within the Olympic Park at the BMW Pavilion.

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