Cannes Lions

BMW’s ‘Make it real’ iX2 campaign

MEDIA.MONKS, Hilversum / BMW / 2024

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Case Film






In an era where advancements in technology are rapidly bridging the gap between the virtual and the physical, BMW sought to redefine their highly digital iX2 as more than just an automobile for tech-savvy audiences. The aim was to create a campaign that could shift perspectives and look at our world through the eyes of technology. The brief was to animate a journey of discovery into the physical world for the iconic virtual influencer, Lil Miquela, with the all-electric iX2 as her companion. The objective was to showcase the iX2 as a symbol of real experience, bridging digital and physical worlds, and thereby appealing to a younger, more tech-literate audience. The challenge was to bring this concept to life while keeping it engaging and relatable to the target audience.


The creative idea behind BMW's 'Make it Real' campaign was to illustrate the convergence of the physical and digital realms through a powerful narrative. The campaign used the highly digital iX2 as a symbol of real-world experience, with the all-electric vehicle serving as a bridge between the digital domain of iconic virtual influencer, Lil Miquela, and our physical world.

Lil Miquela, brought to life through groundbreaking AI face replacement technology, embarks on an epic journey into reality, experiencing the beauty of our world without being able to touch it. This unique perspective of viewing the world through the eyes of technology provided a fresh twist to the storytelling, resonating with a tech-savvy audience and sparking conversations about the potential of AI and its place in our world. The campaign thus redefined traditional automotive advertising, fusing innovative technology with resonant storytelling.


The strategy began with data gathering, analyzing social media trends, spotting the increasing influence of virtual entities in shaping conversations and culture. The target audience was identified as younger, tech-savvy consumers who are active on social platforms and open to innovative forms of storytelling.

Recognising the relevance of virtual influencers in today's digital landscape, BMW chose Lil Miquela, a virtual influencer with 2.6 million Instagram followers, to be the face of the campaign. The campaign was designed to resonate on social platforms where the boundary between reality and virtuality is increasingly blurred.

The approach was to leverage the popularity and reach of Lil Miquela, creating a narrative where she explores the physical world with the all-electric iX2. This strategy successfully connected BMW with a younger demographic, sparking conversations about AI, and enhancing the brand's image as a tech-forward and driver of innovation.


The execution of the 'Make it Real' campaign hinged on the innovative use of AI and influencer marketing. Implementation involved creating a believable virtual character, Lil Miquela, who was brought to life using an AI face replacement technique trained on over 3 million iterations. This meticulous process resulted in a detailed replica of Lil Miquela, seamlessly integrated into the live-action footage.

The campaign was developed and launched over a period of several months, aligning with the release of the new all-electric iX2. Placement was strategic, targeting platforms frequented by a younger, tech-savvy audience, including social media channels, online video platforms, and select TV spots.

The scale of the campaign was significant due to the brand's global recognition and the broad reach of Lil Miquela's social media platforms. With millions of viewers worldwide, the campaign created substantial buzz, demonstrating the successful integration of traditional storytelling and advanced technology in advertising.


The 'Make it Real' campaign significantly boosted BMW's brand perception in terms of electric mobility, particularly among a younger, tech-savvy audience. By showcasing the iX2 not just as an electric vehicle, but as a bridge between digital and physical worlds, the campaign aided in repositioning BMW as a leader in the electric mobility sector.

The use of AI and a popular virtual influencer appealed to the target demographic, enhancing BMW's image as an innovative and forward-thinking brand. The campaign succeeded in emotionalising BMW's Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), making them more relatable and appealing to the audience.

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