Cannes Lions


MANAJANS/JWT, Istanbul / BOSCH / 2012

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The creative solution was to trigger obsession about symmetry. We partnered with frame shops exhibition venues and some public areas and we hung some frames inclined to left or right. The imperfections invited people to touch and correct the frames and thus they saw our stickers placed under the frames. The sticker asked a question. Obsessed with alignment? and addressed the solution. Bosch Quigo laser. Aligns perfectly. The audience wherever they saw frames found our stickers. Many people tweeted about their experience in social media and blogs.


People who are obsessed with alignment were hooked by the message and so began the social buzz amongst them. Some art columnist wrote about this alignment obsession. Bosch despite having never received any calls about the subject before, started getting inquiries. (58 inquiries in the first week of activation, still increasing ). The product was even invited to some do it yourself stores for demonstration. A small sticker with no cost at all started the conversation. And it still keeps going.

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