Cannes Lions


W/, Sao Paulo / NESTLE / 2010

Presentation Image






To start “Good Changes, Good Life”, spots calling families to participate in the casting by entering the channel's website aired on TV.In order to guarantee the credit that the SES-part doc-reality needed, three experts were hired: a nutritionist, a general practitioner and a physiologist. The team had the task of keeping the family motivated during the process of changes.

Later, tune-ins for the show and capsules presenting the experts cast aired on all Discovery networks and on the Internet.The show with the whole evolution of the family aired on Discovery Home & Health, together with capsules hosted by the experts giving NHW tips sponsored by Nestlé flagship products.The project was supported by magazine and online ads and SMS services where consumers could find tips to be healthier. A mobile channel was created, so viewers could follow each step of the family wherever they were.


Nestlé’s main focus was to show they are committed to consumer's quality of life. The project reached 15 million people and helped reinforce Nestlé's positioning of a nutrition, health and wellness company, aligned with its global communication platform. Results could be measured through studies* that shows that the brand image attributes grew, comparing to the period before the project, such as:- Offers products that make part of a balanced diet (+24%)- Invest heavily in scientific nutritional research & development (+11%)- Committed to continuous product development (+13%)*Source: Corporate Equity Monitor - IPSOS.

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