Cannes Lions

Breaking The Triangle








We developed a multi-faceted digital campaign to ensure maximum reach and relevance for Bacardi Triangle, before the event, during and after. We created buzz at the launch announcement , with a teaser film that drove mass desire to be there. To keep the momentum up we created a number of pieces of social content from Instagram films showing glimpses of what to expect from the untameable nature of the Bermuda Triangle.

Next we publicly challenged notorious festival blagger Marcus Haney to find his way into the Bacardi Triangle and document his journey along the way. His fame was it's height following the launch of his documentary "No Cameras Allowed" and his exploits were trending on Twitter. So we asked Ellie Goulding to issue the challenge using Twitter. Marcos rose to the bait, he passed security by re-creating himself as Ellie Goulding and turned up in her dressing room back-stage!


Bacardi Triangle had begun and the anticipation built around Marcus Haney, when would he appear? Would he appear? What would he do? Marcus filmed his whole expedition, 72 hours of footage that we then edited into a 30 minute feature film. His film included his canceled attempt to paraglide onto the island at the last minute due to high winds and instead paid a local fisherman to take him to the back of the island, before trekking over it to make it to the backstage. He passed security with his old tricks of fake passes, before putting into play his most creative stunt to date: working with hair and make-up artists, Marcus re-created himself as Ellie Goulding, whilst one of his friends became a double for her boyfriend, Dougie Poynter. Unbelievably the disguises were so good they blagged past final security and made it into Ellie's dressing room backstage.


Bacardi online conversation massively over-took their biggest competitor, Smirnoff, in their on-going battle for share of voice. Their ten year decline in brand searches finally stabilised and Bacardi's brand tracker started showing signs of recovery.

Reach for the festival across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram now stand at 710 million (vs. a target of 650m) contributing to an overall PR figure of 3 billion.

The premiere of 'Breaking The Triangle' was packed with influencers and there has been extensive PR coverage off the back of it. Over 5000 people have watched the 30 minute film in full and there is now interest from broadcasters for the rights. All for a total spend of £40K. Truly tameable behaviour!

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