Cannes Lions

Bringing Families Together


Presentation Image
Case Film






This campaign used groundbreaking mixed reality (using a Microsoft HoloLens and DoubleMe technology) to connect an 11 year old boy (Harrison) who suffers from muscular dystrophy and struggles to get out the home, with his Grandpa who was beamed into Harrison's home as a live hologram, where they virtually interact.

This campaign and the technology deployed clearly demonstrates how, even with physical limitations such as distance and disability, families of the future can remain firmly connected, as if in the same room.

Furthermore, we believe we have taken a huge leap in inspiring new generations of tech entrepreneurs that there are extensive opportunities for business communications, people to leave legacy visualisations, or to cure the growing loneliness epidemic amongst the elderly to name just a few examples.


Bringing Families Together was implemented thanks to four key parties led by us, the conceptual agency. We brought together the partners; DoubleMe, Squire and Harrison's fund to execute the campaign production, which took 2 months in planning, 1 day of filming and 2 weeks of editing. Official launch of the content took place on 23/12/17.

The video was placed on Harrison's Fund's YouTube channel, then promoted to mainstream press through a carefully planned and executed, mainstream press and low cost social marketing strategy.


Bringing Families Together was presented as a video placed on Harrison's Fund YouTube channel as well as via the charity's social channels. The objective was always to raise awareness of the charity and this is exactly what we achieved.

Video views across YouTube and Facebook have exceeded 200,000 (and is still growing).

But the real wins have been a 2.5 minute slot on both ITV London and Meridian news (mid February 2018) as well as an exclusive on BBC's highly prized Click programme (early march 2018). Combined, all three programmes total a viewership of 11 million people in the UK.

In addition, coverage was generated on The Mail Online, with a readership of 28 million (30/3/18).

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