Cannes Lions

British Summer Time Hyde Park: The Great British Music Showdown

AKQA, London / BARCLAYCARD / 2017

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The look and sound of Britain has been hugely influenced by its musical tribes. Today, people no longer define themselves by one music style, so "The Great British Music Showdown" was created to discover what music really made up Britain in 2016.

To do this we created "DanceBots": dancing avatars that wore the clothes and pulled the dance moves from the UK's biggest music genres from the last 50 years. DanceBots were created in a modular style using a bespoke animation program, so body parts and dance styles could be interchanged to make unique avatars with 100,000s of permutations.

We partnered with Buzzfeed to create their richest quiz experience ever. Users took a quiz, which took the user's answers and generated their own "DanceBot" in real time, whose dance and clothing acted like an animated infographic into their musical tastes to share with friends on social media.


We chose to go to where our audience already were by partnering with Buzzfeed to create our music quiz. All assets from the quiz were designed to be personal for each user to ensure maximum share-ability. Physical versions of the DanceBots also appeared at the British Summer Time Festival and digital screens encouraged festival-goers to make a DanceBot between musical acts.

The quiz and virtual Hyde Park DanceBot experience launched three weeks ahead of the British Summer Time Festival to spread the campaign beyond festival attendees. By the time the Festival launched the virtual Hyde Park was filling up with DanceBots, which encouraged people at the festival to get involved. At the end of the festival the collected data was turned into a national infographic showcasing the Nation's musical tastes to end the party with a bang.


The campaign created huge positive sentiment for the brand during its lifetime, not only keeping Barclaycard top of mind during the event but further legitimising its connection to live music.

The DanceBots made for highly shareable assets, allowing consumers to express their musical tastes in a fresh and playful way. Customers at the festival could also have their personal DanceBot printed on Festival merchandise such as water bottles and tote bags.

The campaign picked up contributions from UK influencers, propelling the quiz out of the Buzzfeed environment and into wider music conversations on social media; totalling a reach of 20 million unique followers.

The interactive quiz exceeded Buzzfeed's dwell time goal by four times, with an average user dwell time of over 7.5 minutes compared to Buzzfeed's goal of two minutes. The quiz also had a completion and share rate 2% higher than the average of Buzzfeed's own quizzes.

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