Cannes Lions

Broader perspective


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We redesigned Finland's most iconic painting into something totally new. We created a whole world outside the frames. We let people see for them selves how it is to look at things in a broader perspective. We made augmented reality application to trigger from the original painting at the National Art Museum when you view it through your smart phone. We imagined what kind of world could be the opposite of the gloomy and sad feeling of the original painting. In the original painting mother is grieving by her dead son by the river of death. We illustrated a sunny beach around the original. We wanted to show how you can get the wrong idea by situation by lookin at it with too narrow perspective.


The original painting is Finland's most known and iconic painting from 1897. It is just as ole as our newspaper. painting is at display in Finnish national gallery's museum Ateneum in Helsinki. Every Finn knows this painting by heart. The original painting's mood is very dark, morbid and depressive. But when yo dive into it it becomes joyful and beautiful beach with lots of life in it. We added sounds to 360-painting to match the mood and the landscape.

We made 360 illustration for social media and augmented reality application to trigger from the original painting at the National Art Museum when you view it through your smart phone.

The Facebook version of the 360 illustration got over 10 000 likes and over 1000 shared it. But the greatest effect happens in the museum. As you view the original painting through a smart phone or tablet the frames disappear and the whole landscape appears around you. The sounds change as you move your view in the Museum.

Data was gathered from application and social media tools. Results show clearly that mobile was the right channel to attract the young audience and make them aware of the brand. And combination of iconic historical painting, creativity, craft and cutting edge technology was absolute hit.

We are a newspaper. Our brand is all about giving new views and broader perspective to readers. This was communicated succesfully.

The project is still in progress but so far it had fulfilled all its goals ten times what we dared to hope for. Subscriptions broke 30 000 limit. and The Facebook 360 video of the AR-painting in action was a huge success. over 10 000 likes in a week. and over 1000 shared the illustration.

The illustration was published in facebook and ads 19.1.2017. The


The project is still in progress but so far it had fulfilled all its goals ten times what we dared to hope for. Subscriptions are up by 20% so far. The Facebook video of the AR-painting in action was a huge success. over 10 000 likes in a week.

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