Cannes Lions

Bulle de Kanel


Case Film
Supporting Content
Supporting Images






The competition in the weeks leading up to 'Cinnamon Bun Day' in Sweden has skyrocketed in recent years. Pressbyrån is under pressure from two different directions. On one hand, there's the grocery retail sector offering cinnamon buns at a very low price, while on the other hand, a large and growing number of bakeries are offering more luxurious buns at a higher price.

The brief for the campaign was therefore: ”How can we get Swedes to choose Pressbyrån's cinnamon buns, even though we are neither the cheapest nor the best?”

The objectives of the effort were to increase cinnamon bun sales through advertising. And to succeed in this, we must create ads that stand out and are liked.

So how do we reach the hearts of the Swedish people? Well... you make a big deal out of cinnamon buns.


The film is set in a luxurious mansion of lavish and imperial decor. In walks a beautiful woman dressed for a black tie event. Through various shots of grandiose poses and captivating eye-contact, alluding to a style of ads reminiscent of the ones from big European fashion houses from the early 00’s. Meanwhile, she’s heard speaking in a sensual voice-over. She utters nonsensical sentences compiled of basic french greeting phrases mixed with ‘frenchified’ cinnamon bun ingredients in Swedish. In the end-scene, she holds up a cinnamon bun for the camera, like a Hollywood-actress would a perfume bottle, and signs off with “Bull de Kanelle, by Pressbureaun”.


Bulle De Kanel sparked waves of appreciation among Swedes on social media. It was brought up in podcasts, Sweden’s largest publications, national tv and radio shows. Other brands made their own spoof-versions as hommages to the campaign. It even got its own segment on France’s biggest morning TV-show ’Telematin’. But maybe the best sign of campaign appreciation was the countless ads that were stolen from subway stations and brought back to people’s homes.

In addition, the campaign also yielded the following results:

• Ad liking: 19%-points increase compared to previous year (77% vs 58%)

• Brand liking: 27%-points increase compared to previous year (81% vs 54%)

• Preference: 18%-points increase compared to previous year (72% vs 54%)

• Consideration for purchase at Pressbyrån: 42%-points increase compared to precious year (70% vs 28%)

• Has bought Pressbyrån’s cinnamon buns: 30%-points increase compared to previous year (56% vs 26%)

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