Cannes Lions

The Best-seller Constitution

GUT, Sao Paulo / MERCADO LIBRE / 2024








On January 8, 2023, Brazil faced a grave assault on its democracy when far-right extremists, questioning election results, invaded the National Congress, committing acts of vandalism and theft. Among the stolen items was the Brazilian Federal Constitution, symbolically exposed by rioters, and other items that were outrageously put into sale inside Mercado Libre's platform. This act of defiance was a direct threat to the nation's core values of freedom and democracy.


The crisis presented Mercado Libre, the biggest ecommerce in Latin America and a brand that stands for democratic values and progress in society, with a dual challenge: swiftly remove illegally uploaded items associated with the riot from its marketplace and reaffirm its commitment to democratic values in a polarized environment. The brand needed to transform this national crisis into a proactive affirmation of democracy.


Mercado Libre used the situation to reinforce the accessibility and importance of democratic values. The insight was clear: if extremists could attempt to steal the constitution physically, Mercado Livre would counter by making it more available than ever. The brand decided to sell the Federal Constitution almost for free, ensuring every Brazilian could own a copy and value its significance.


In a matter of hours after the attack, Mercado Libre executed a strategic campaign that included banning riot-associated products and launching a flash promotion to reinforce its values. We developed an offer that gave a 99% discount on the units of the federal constitution for sale on the platform. One post was shared on the brand's social media (Instagram and Twitter) and one print ad, a full page in one of the country's main newspapers, was published, annoucing the symbolic price on all Brazilian Federal Constitutions in its inventory. This approach not only amplified the campaign reach with minimal financial investment but also turned a profit-driven platform into a civic engagement tool, spreading constitutions across Brazil and promoting democratic values.

A quick yet bold response from the brand, that was seen by the whole country, reinforcing its core democratic values and showing its leader positioning.

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