Cannes Lions








‘Spots V Stripes’ is a unique approach to sponsorship.Unlike most corporate sponsors, Cadbury connects with almost everyone, everywhere; so for London 2012 we wanted an idea that could feel as much part of the fabric of people’s lives as a bar of Dairy Milk.We worked from the simple insight that true Olympic spirit is not about elite sporting achievement but about participation, celebration and enjoyment. We decided to champion this playful, joyful side of sport by creating ‘Spots V Stripes’.‘Spots V Stripes’ is a social idea to get more people playing more games in the run up to 2012. The concept is to encourage people to sign up to, support and spectate the two teams, as they play against each other to generate points in the country’s biggest ever competition. The idea also includes a CSR programme to leave communities more equipped to play beyond 2012.


Cadbury colleagues were the first players, setting up the teams to welcome the public.

For the launch, TV, outdoor and digital advertising generated awareness, powered with PR, NPD, packaging and a partnership with Global Radio.The web hub went live - the heart of the idea where people sign up, play, log points, watch highlights and discover more. The dedicated team pages connect to Facebook and Twitter.We created games: from an award winning online game, UGC games, live events, celebrity challenges and the world’s biggest game of catch. We also launched The Challenge Bar – a chocolate bar you could play.

Cadbury brands got involved. 17 million packs went spotty and stripy and Creme Egg launched a game of its own.

We are currently teamed up with Guinness for a series of unique races that will award the fastest participants official World Records.

We have lots more to come.


Spots V Stripes is engaging audiences:Over 10 million people have been involved7.4million people participated in an event in 2010.Over 177,000 people are signed up online.700,000 games have been played.Players are updating the scores, on average, every 30 seconds.Spots V Stripes is having a positive impact on the brand:For those aware of Cadbury Spots v Stripes and our sponsorship of London 2012, brand preference is up by 5%, and Cadbury has gone from the top 12% of brands to the top 4% of brands in the UK in terms of brand engagement.Spots V Stripes is selling chocolate:The first NPD, ‘The Challenge Bar,’ became the number one selling bar within its first week on shelves The current NPD, 'The Big Race Bar', is ahead of sales targets and Cadbury’s 2nd most successful launch since Wispa in 2007.

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