Cannes Lions

Can I Help?

WE ARE SOCIAL, Milan / IKEA / 2022

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Case Film
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IKEA's goal has always been to create the best possible home lifestyle for everyone.

For this reason it has always been committed to the defense of human rights including gender inequality. This is because IKEA believes that home is the first society we interface with, and behaviors and situations we are exposed to since childhood can contribute to perpetuating gender inequality phenomenon even outside home.

In fact, every year, IKEA launches a communication campaign on International Women's Day to talk about topics such as gender inequality at home.


"Can I help?" is a phrase that is often said

when it comes to home care and cleaning

taking for granted that household chores are

someone else's responsibility.

A responsibility that, still, is attributed to women in 74% of households.

For this reason, on the occasion of International Women's Day,

we wrote an open letter to Treccani, the most important dictionary in Italy,

to give this expression a new definition, and in this way to fight inequality at home.


What has been identified is that 74% of household chores, even today, in Italy, are the responsibility of women. An alarming fact that unfortunately few people know.

When it comes to cleaning and taking care of the home, men often say the phrase, "Can I help?".

A phrase that seems harmless and polite but that implicitly takes for granted that household chores are someone else's responsibility


For this reason, on International Women's Day, IKEA wrote an open letter to Treccani, the most important dictionary in Italy, to change the definition of the expression “Can I help?” within home and to reflect on gender inequality at home in a public space like social media, where people could also participate and start a debate on the topic.


On International Women's Day, IKEA's campaign was the most discussed one in Italy.

Moreover, combining the brand's content with the media and newspaper coverage, 1 out of 4 people in Italy saw our message.

The campaign also generated a media value of more than 7 million euros in organic reach and the social content related to International Women's Day generated an engagement rate 1114% higher than the average brand post.

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