Cannes Lions


GPY&R, Brisbane / SP BREWERY / 2015


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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The SP Cantenna was a promotion created specially for the 2015 Rugby League season in Papua New Guinea, designed to help increase sales of SP Lager beer cartons. It was a gift at purchase promotion, giving customers who buy a carton of SP Lager everything they need to make a high-quality TV antenna out of the carton itself.


Our opportunity presented itself in a problem many customers face. PNG is a mountainous country with poor communications infrastructure. This results in notoriously bad TV reception for people living on the outskirts of town (a majority of the population). Most customers also come from low socio-economic backgrounds and store-bought TV antennas are outside their budget.

So we created The SP Lager Cantenna. A limited-edition beer carton that converts empty beer cans into a working, high quality TV antenna. Beer cans actually make perfect TV antennas. They’re the optimal shape and size and are made from high-quality food-grade aluminium - an excellent signal conductor. Upon testing, the SP Cantenna actually worked better than many store bought TV antennas.

A gift with purchase, each specially marked SP Cantenna carton included an easy-to-assemble kit with everything customers needed to make their own Cantenna. The carton itself was used as the base and simple instructions and die-cuts to were featured on the outside to help customers assemble their Cantenna.


The SP Cantenna kits were a hit with PNG’s rugby loving public, selling out within the first 2 weeks of the promotion. This helped upsell customers to a 24-pack (average price 96 Kina or US$35.66), up from the 6-pack price of 27 Kina (US$10.03). This represents an average increase of US$25.63 per transaction. The Cantenna promotion also helped cement SP Lager’s position as PNG’s national beer, achieving a score of 78% against their brand KPI of being ‘A brand that understands PNG people.’ Source: Global Commerce University Study.

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