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Psst-we have a secret to share: the story of the Purple Purse. Pass it on.Domestic violence affects 1 in 4 women in the US, creating fear, hopelessness and a life where every activity is watched. Too often, financial dependence confines women to abusive relationships. Since victims’ calls and internet searches are often tracked, it can be difficult to safely get help. But, the power of the Purple Purse gave women the knowledge, skills and resources to take steps towards financial freedom and leave abuse behind.In just 7 weeks, the team launched a campaign centred on Disguised to look like an online shopping magazine, the site featured domestic violence information and resources in a way that would appeal to women and stay under the radar of an abuser monitoring a victim’s every move.Supported by integrated communications, Purple Purse ignited dialogue and incited action. Throughout Domestic Violence Awareness Month, thousands talked about Purple Purse and learned critical steps to get and stay safe.Developed by The Allstate Foundation, in partnership with the YWCA, the world’s oldest and largest women’s organisation, Purple Purse became a new symbol that reinforced the importance of financial empowerment in ending domestic violence. The campaign contributed to the success of The Foundation’s goal to empower abused women with financial knowledge. Compared to the prior year, the number of survivors taking action towards financial independence tripled; financial curriculum downloads more than quadrupled; and more than 13,000 women created a financial plan, a 495% increase.


In 7 weeks, the team launched a comprehensive campaign centered on a new website, It appears as an online shopping magazine, but offers domestic violence resource and gateway to financial education, hiding in plain sight. Online Buzz Drivers: - Built intrigue through viral countdown that teased the ‘secret of the Purple Purse’;- Created dynamic mini-site in a widget to post on blogs and social networks for easy sharing.TweetUps Across the Country: - Partnered with YWCA USA and top bloggers to organise 9 local events to explain the Purple Purse and stimulate conversation; -Incentivised participation through an Allstate Foundation donation of $100 per attendee to the YWCA (contributed $90,000).Employee Education: - Emblazoned Allstate’s corporate campus with Purple Purse signs on driveways, walkways and restrooms.

Media Outreach: - Conducted traditional and social outreach in English and Spanish to carefully-selected outlets reaching women, further extending the campaign’s reach.


The campaign energized a broad community both on and offline: Raised Awareness - Nearly 1,300 news stories, blog and event postings resulted in nearly 86m impressions;- Educated and involved 29,000 employees.Inspired Action - More than 1,000 people attended Purple Purse TweetUps in 9 cities; - More than 1,530 Tweets about Purple Purse reached 5.2m; - More than 32,500 page views for; - More than 1,200 people shared the social media player – equalling 115,000 impressions.Empowered Women Financially - The campaign contributed to the overall success of The Foundation’s goal by empowering nearly 40,000 survivors with financial knowledge; nearly 3 times more than the previous year;- Financial curriculum linked to on was downloaded nearly 16,000 times; 4 times more than the 2010 total;- Thanks in part to the Purple Purse campaign, 13,000 women created a financial plan, a 495% increase from 2010.

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