Cannes Lions

Chevrolet and Facebook Partnership, 'New Year. New Roads.'


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As users across Facebook got ready to make their 2017 resolutions, Chevrolet inspired the world with stories of people making every mile count to achieve their goals. Chevy found five people from around the world with seemingly impossible dreams, then gave them custom Virtual Reality experiences so they could envision their futures. Using today’s most innovative storytelling formats on mobile (360 video, Facebook canvas ads, vertical video), Chevy chronicled their entire journeys.

To bring Chevrolet’s support to a global audience, the brand created the first of its kind global Messenger Bot to provide users with a virtual motivation system featuring both practical help from experts and personal messages of celebration. As the first Facebook Bot to communicate in 8 languages, Chevrolet was able to deliver personalized assistance to a more expansive audience on Facebook so they too could have the support needed to maintain and achieve their New Year’s resolutions.


Chevy leveraged mobile-first technology to help the world commit to their resolutions.

Starting on December 26th, Hero content was published as 360 Video within Facebook so widespread audiences could virtually experience the emotional stories of real people from around the world working towards resolutions. A series of content showcased in immersive Facebook canvas units followed in early January to chronicle the progression of the heroes. Content within canvases included vertical videos, photos and tilt to pan imagery, all customized to strengthen mobile consumption. The last phase of content leveraged vertical video to deliver an anthem story showing the culmination of all five heroes and their New Roads. Chevy used detailed custom re-targeting so viewers could follow the Heroes on their path to achieving new roads.

Each hero was assigned a coach to aid them on making sure they had support as they travelled their new road. Chevrolet used this philosophy to release the same coach concept on January 1st via a first of its kind Global Messenger Bot and ‘Send Message’ ad unit so all audiences across Facebook could have the 24/7 support needed to maintain their resolution and find and stay on their own New Roads.


This program mapped perfectly to people’s end of year mindsets, driving inspiration while users were visualizing their own new year and then offering utility when we needed most. It not only inspired people to look for new roads, but also ride in the passenger seat to help make sure they find them.

The mobile-first campaign ran across 11 countries in 8 languages, reaching over 200MM people with inspiring content stories and taking advantage of Facebook’s newest and most buzzed about mobile technologies – Virtual Reality, 360 Video & Messenger Bots.

The campaign drove strong overall attitudinal impact amongst exposed target consumers across all key markets and the Messenger Bot helped hundreds of thousands keep their resolutions well beyond 3 days…with 207 thousand active Bot users participating through March.

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