Cannes Lions


OMD SPAIN, Madrid / HASBRO / 2017

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Case Film
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We based all the strategy in one simple fact: nothing is more contagious than laughter. The sudden success of Candance Payne’s video was like an explosion of humor, its quick spreading as a shock wave of good mood. Analyzing it, we understood that our client’s product unlocked a universal craving for pure and simple joy that didn’t need any cultural translation.

We were sure of its ‘irresistibility quality’: once the right people had the mask in their hands, they wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of trying it on!


We developed simultaneous strategies across TV and social media: through a PR action, we chose the 50 TV Spanish humor shows with the highest audiences and sent them Chewbacca’s masks so the conductors and their guests could play with them, knowing that their scriptwriters would appreciate having several minutes of hot content.

In parallel, to make up for the lack of social presence of the Mask, we aligned all Hasbro brands with the objective of spreading the word: Mr. Monopoly, Mr. Potato and other Hasbro popular characters wore the mask in their social profiles, joining conversation around Candance’s video in a very natural way and generating a positive sentiment wave.

We let the natural flow of the hype do the rest: in TV, as expected, everybody in the set wanted to put the mask on. The joke was thoroughly shared in celebs’ own social media profiles and in local news.


A star was born: beyond the extended exposure we got on news and magazine websites, Facebook or Twitter, Chewbacca’s mask obtained 28 minutes of exclusive attention in TV for free (10% of them in prime-time). 7.456.000 viewers saw the product live on TV (that is 7.5 million people aggregate audience for Hasbro).

Hasbro’s characters’ social profiles captured and redirect the conversation, maintaining the hype at a high level and amplifying it. There were +876% mentions from May 20-26th compared to previous weeks (+1.420% on May 20th). The engagement rate in Hasbro Facebook went up to 2,85%.

All the channels worked integrated pushing sales of Chewbacca mask up to +27.5% from May 19-25th, becoming #7 best seller in Amazon the same week.

With 3.500€ of investment, we obtained 540.000€ in media value, equivalent to an amazing +5.000% ROI. A story with a very happy ending!

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